السبت، 30 مارس 2013

God blessed man

Sheikh large eighty years old, suddenly one day wounded Baanbas in urine, his sons carried him to the hospital and the doctor there has done a catheter, urine output and ended the pain of the parent ..
Directed children to the doctor, and took thank him and praise him so much ..
Children to their father, turned to reassure him if he is steeped in tears, they took Ahdiouna and tell him that the problem did not cry over!?
Calmed down a bit, then between them reason crying with these words:
Help me doctor only once and A_i_arna bounty, famous and thanked him very much, and eighty-year-old I am overwhelmed with God - the Almighty - his generosity and kindness, jacket and without the need for any operation and did not feel the bounty!

Ibn al-Qayyim - may God have mercy on him -:
If God has revealed the cover to slave, and showed him how God manages his affairs, and how God more in the interest of a person of the same person, and it is more merciful than his mother, melted the heart of a person's love of God, and to cut off his heart Thank God

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