الأحد، 23 أغسطس 2020

Be optimistic

Be optimistic in order for your outlook to remain positive in life, to overcome all psychological pressures, to enjoy good health and to be able to control your emotions, and to win the love of your colleagues and students, and this will be reflected positively on your performance, and for your sacrifice for the sake of your homeland and the eagerness to achieve ambitions are your first goals.
My message to you:
Five secrets that will never be "broken":

1. To trust in God alone only.

2. Not making money is the drive of your life.

3. Never let your feelings alone guide you.

4. That you never pay attention to the words and actions of those around you.

5. Do not be late in making your decisions.

Fii optimist pentru ca perspectivele tale să rămână pozitive în

Fii optimist pentru ca perspectivele tale să rămână pozitive în viață, să depășești toate presiunile psihologice, să te bucuri de o sănătate bună și să îți poți controla emoțiile și să câștigi dragostea colegilor și a studenților, iar acest lucru se va reflecta pozitiv asupra performanței tale, iar pentru sacrificiul tău de dragul patriei tale și a dorinței de a atinge ambiții sunt primele tale obiective.
Mesajul meu pentru tine:
Cinci secrete care nu vor fi niciodată „rupte”:

1. Să ai încredere numai în Dumnezeu.

2. A nu câștiga bani este motivația vieții tale.

3. Nu lăsa niciodată sentimentele tale să te ghideze.

4. Că nu acorzi niciodată atenție cuvintelor și acțiunilor celor din jurul tău.

5. Nu întârziați să vă luați deciziile.

كن متفائلاً

كن متفائلاً لكي تبقى نظرتك إيجابية للحياة، ولتتغلب على كل الضغوط النفسية، وتتمتع بصحة جيدة وتستطيع التحكم في انفعالاتك، وتكسب حب زملائك وطلابك، وينعكس ذلك إيجاباً على أدائك، ولتكن تضحيتك من أجل وطنك والحرص على تحقيق الطموحات هي أول أهدافك.
رسالتي إليك:
خمسة أسرار تجعلك غير قابل "للإنكسار" أبداً :

1. أن تتوكل على الله وحده فقط.

2. أن لا تجعل المال هو محرك حياتك.

3. أن لا تجعل مشاعرك وحدها تقودك.

4. أن لا تهتم أبداً بأقوال وأفعال من حولك.

5. أن لا تتأخر في اتخاذ قرارتك.

Când încercăm

Când încercăm, suntem cei mai apropiați de ei
Am devenit cei mai puțin apreciați de ei ... este posibil să îi răsfățăm cu prea multă îngrijorare?
Dar cel al cărui ochi s-au uscat?
noapte bună

Are un tip de ființă umană a cărei singură misiune în viață este să-ți aducă remușcări în inima ta și să o repornești. Când greșești ceva, te dușesc cu cuvinte epuizante și repetate:
„Nu v-am spus, v-am spus, nu veți auzi ce spuneți, dacă vă așezați așa-și-așa, cine se supune este pierdut.” ... Atunci ei merg la viața lor!

When we try,

When we try, we are the closest to them
We have become the least valued they have ... it is possible that we have spoiled them with too much concern?
What about those whose eyes dried out?
good night

It has a type of human being whose only mission in life is to bring remorse in your heart and restart it. When you miscalculate something, they shower you with exhausting and repeated words:
“I did not tell you, I told you, you will not hear the words, if you settle such-and-such, whoever obeys is lost.” ... Then they go on with their lives!


Revelation and self-conversation are like

(Psychological session) We changed from the inside and prepared us to face the outside. How do we do that?
Revelation and self-conversation are like
 (Psychological session) that changes us from the inside and prepares us to face the outside
A negative suggestion kills you from your foundation, and it has no basis.
Satan tries to portray to you that your whole life is tiredness, failure, hardship and deprivation; Even if you are convinced of this suggestion and surrender to this pessimism, you break all the meanings of change for the better, and all the lights of success are extinguished in your soul, so Satan scatters you the remnants of a person who does not know any connection with God and who does not take a path of proximity to Him.
Positive self-suggestion method

Lie on your bed completely relaxed.

Turn off the lights or dim the lights. -Make sure the atmosphere around you is quiet and free of noise. Whisper to yourself that you are a satisfied person, loved by everyone, your life is full of successes and your heart is happy
 And you guarantee that you will succeed every time?
- Success is guaranteed
- how?
- I tell you, people's fear of the future causes them anxiety, and anxiety increases their willingness to accept the suggestion, and in light of the suggestion that people accept any words that reassure them even if these words are in their minds, they do not believe it, but with fear of tomorrow you can convince them
Revelation and self-conversation is a psychological session
We changed from the inside and prepared us to face the outside.
And it may be in two ways:
1- Standing in front of the mirror at length, separately from those around you, throwing signals and commands on yourself that you need to change or create new habits.
2- Relax in a dark place, close your eyes, and repeat a motivational statement 100 times at least.


 فلنغير نظرة التشاؤم في أعيننا لما حل بنا من محن إلى نظرة حب وتفاؤل لما عاد علينا من فائدة وخير بعد مرورنا بهذه المحن. ما أحوجنا لمثل هذا ال...