الأحد، 17 يناير 2021

1) Public Relations Specialist

 1) Public Relations Specialist

Its qualities:

• Has an amazing ability to understand and lead others

• The most important thing in his life is his relationship with others ... He cares very much about them and their words and understands people well

• He can easily read others and thus influence them easily as well. He can easily lead a group during a discussion, regardless of the type of people in front of him

• Has strong and raging innate feelings ... soft and sensitive, does not bother or hurt anyone

• Quick to respond to praise and praise, as well as criticism, and take criticism personally ... and sometimes it causes people to alienate it

• Helps others access to themselves ... He reminds you of facts about yourself that you may not know, and he reminds you how to use them

• I heard him well with everyone, he did not fight with anyone ... pure and kind-hearted. Salamah is gentle and you can hardly feel his hand when he shakes your hand

• Helps, supports, develops and employs others ... an inspiring leader and a loyal follower as well

Distinguished and famous ... especially in psychological issues

• A strong creative person with great insight ... his outlook is futuristic and idealistic

• Excellent lecturer especially with regard to psychological counseling and daily relationships

Tips for re-balancing stress:

Avoid bulimics, sugars, and refined foods.

Take energy-producing supplements.

Exercise to relieve stress.

- enough sleep .

Eat soothing natural herbs such as ginseng, licorice, guarana, and ephedra.

- Changing the stressful lifestyle.

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