الخميس، 19 يوليو 2018

The people who are successful

[10] The people who are successful are those who are successful, and they follow the light that is revealed with them. Those who are successful are those who are successful, and those who are successful are those who are successful. To the people who want the face of God and those who are successful (Romans 38) Those who are guided by their Lord, and those who are successful (Lokman) Those are Hezbollah, They are the successful ones (22), and those who are hard-working themselves are those who are successful (9) and those who are hard-working are those who are successful (16) (Al-Baqarah): 'Do not eat riba more than doubly, and fear Allah, for ye may prosper.' (Al-'Umran, p. 130) 'Be patient, and be steadfast and close, and fear Allah, that ye may prosper.' (The table) Rejoice from the work of the devil and avoid him so that you may succeed (90 table) Fear God, O Olbab you may falter (The table) And who is darker than those who lie to Allah falsely or lie to His signs? For the poor do not prosper. (21 The cattle) You will know who will have the end of the house. The wrongdoers do not succeed. (17) You do not succeed the criminals (17 Yunus) Say: Those who invent lies against Allah do not succeed. (69) Younis ( you say to the truth of what came to you is the most enchanting of this witch do not succeed)

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