الاثنين، 11 يونيو 2018

live Egypt Long live my country.

The west of the Sisi and the fear of the start of Egypt because we are out of two revolutions and the disruption of the economy for 5 years and the Sisi at the height of the crisis and work
1 / Payment of 6 billion dollars to Qatar
2 / $ 4 billion to the Paris Club (external debt installments)
3 / Paying 4 billion dollars to oil companies operating in Egypt, which led to the doubling of research and exploration, resulting in large and huge oil discoveries
4 / digging the Suez Canal in a year with Egyptian money 100% in one year only, which caused the West's madness
5 / Holding huge arms deals exceeded 100 billion in one year
6 / Increase the combat capability of the Egyptian army and arming the most powerful and latest weapons
7 / Building new alliances that would break the US influence in the region
8 / The Egyptian-Russian alliance and the return of the Russian bear to the arena of the Middle East again through the Egyptian-Russian alliance
9 / The establishment of the new capital on the latest architectural show in the world
10 / Started the creation of the new worlds city and will be the most beautiful cities of the world and tourism

11 / Establishment of the national network of roads and road development in Egypt to keep up with the world level
12 / Establishment of a large number of new bridges
13 / At the height of the crisis Moody's raises the credit rating of Egypt and the World Bank expects a growth rate of 5% while the Bank expected the North African countries stable growth rate of 2%
14 / Establishment of 4 nuclear plants
15 / Establishment of the largest silos in the Middle East in less than one year
16 / Clear the Sinai of terrorism supported by their intelligence services and a drop of under one million lines
17 / Burning all the agents of the West from the fifth column inside the country and exposing them to the Egyptian people to the West preferred to raise them and spend large amounts of money
18 / Stand against the plan to divide Libya and train the Libyan army and Libyan police inside Egypt
19 / Stand against the scheme of dividing Syria and destroy the Syrian Arab army and support a political solution
20 // And the most important of all Kali Eli anger that the first head of the division of sale, which is a light, we are very hard to keep God President and leader Abdel Fattah Sisi ... After every rule Tjilk sheep Balia and tell you is Sisi work and any swelling on the Qafat and Shah Hahahahahahahah ... Long live Egypt Long live my country.
Sher and burn the blood of sheep and customers

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