الأحد، 6 مايو 2018

Do not tire yourself and waste your life in an incorrect idea has no convincing evidence ... And the reason for your refusal to marry based on it is not true.
If the right person comes to you and you accept him as a husband and correspond to your characters and your print, why not!
Just open your heart to receive love and put that idea out of your mind
How to choose the right pair is what counts and not to export the rejection based on an unrealistic idea
I tell you again that your idea is wrong and there is no evidence against it, but evidence against it is stronger
There is no need to worry and fear reassuring and do not claim the idea of ​​controlling your destiny and upset your row and you are imprisoned in the prison of suspicion
I ask God for your reassurance and tranquility and to honor you with good husband and good offspring

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