الخميس، 26 أبريل 2018

"Sexual harassment is any statement or act that carries sexual connotations towards another person who is harmed and does not wish to do so." Definition of this form combines sexual desire and aggression from one party to another without compromise. Harassment in this sense combines some of the elements of narration mentioned earlier in Surat Yusuf and between the defamation, but not limited to either. Harassment may be a close look, but this is difficult to prove, so we are satisfied with the definition of words or deeds. However, if there is a way or witnesses to prove that view, it becomes harassment. We may need to add something in the law that covers harassment, citing examples that have emerged in modern life, and which were not covered by the punishments of abuse, which were formulated in societal circumstances that were characterized by separation between men and women. In most cases, however, now with this female presence everywhere and every location, With this gender approach in the street, in transportation, in places of study or in open and closed work, there is a need to regulate and regulate behaviors in a more precise and detailed manner.

* Size of phenomenon:
In a study by Dr. Ahmed Abdullah (2006), more than 60% of girls reported that they had been harassed in one way or another during their lives. In a study by Dr. Ali Ismail and others (2006), patients who were in the psychiatric hospital at Al Hussein University Hospital found that 9% of the sample had suffered from sexual abuse during a period of their life (or their lives). Studies in Western societies show that girls are 13% sexually abused and 4% are boys, and abuse here ranges from rape, adultery and rape.
  * Social values ​​and harassment:
In some nomadic communities, there is the so-called "shout of the dead", which means the importance of the cry of any woman in the time of sacrifice (time to go out to patronize and perform the interests) and the quick response to this cry from the nearest person heard and given to help, with severe punishment the tribe expected to violate the inviolability woman . In Islamic history, al-Mutasim mobilized armies to invade the Romans in response to the cry of a woman who said in a moment of defeat and "stifling" him.
 The girl was raped in the field of the threshold in Cairo in broad daylight and was not sung by anyone, and there was a collective harassment of girls on the day of Eid on Talaat Harb Street in central Cairo and no one moved, Or the movement of the few too late). This may be due to the contemporary society's view of women as inferior creatures or evil creatures or that they have gone out into the street and into life to contend with men and to snatch jobs from them. In the past, the family refused to have a son in the street, or by telephone, and now we do not find such rejection. Sometimes the mother helps (or keeps silent) on her son's emotional relations or does one of the sisters without embarrassment.
* Methods of harassment:
1 - Verbatim: The word here differs from the words of the thin and courteous yarn, it tends to the vagueness and frankness of the prey, and tends to sexual connotations, and sometimes uses the harasser market words expressing ignorance of his greed in the victim, and sometimes take the meaning of the seductive, including seduction and seduction and excitement.
2 - physical and physical: here includes the close scrutiny, or scandalous scandalous gesture, or review of some members of the body, especially sexual organs, or take certain situations of sexual connotations, or touching or disassociation or pressure, or trying to capture the victim or the annexation or kissing force.
* Harassment:
1 - Outside the home: harassment can occur in the street and in the form of obscene words or looking at the victim or intercepting a road to the victim or trying to touch or friction, and this may seem unintended so that if the victim objected to the defendant claimed that this happened accidentally inadvertently. There are some passengers who appear to be sleeping with their hands, feet or head on one of the parts of the victim's body, as it is not on the sleeper that is critical. If the victim accepts, he will continue the harassment. She complained or complained that he would show his apologies and think about his sleep (Even in London) to protect them from harassment (yet many women and girls prefer to ride in men's vehicles even though they are more crowded !!!!!!!), and often make sure to cut tickets in trains or buses on To make women in the adjacent chairs so as not to expose them to harassment harassers, and this beautiful tradition, we hope to codify. In the markets where crowds and hustle and preoccupation with people watching and bargaining on prices are increasing touches and friction, and therefore intended to tamper with markets in particular to achieve their purposes. And on the beaches where there is a state of laxity in values ​​and customs on the grounds that the beach is a place for fun and fun, the desires of the harassers begin in the form of contemplation and examination of the bodies of the naked and then comments on the bodies of the bodies and if possible attempts to approach touch the degree of non-desire of the victims In swimming pools where the bodies And approaching the finders an opportunity to approach or collision, which seems unintended and do not prevent them from pretending to apologize, and the same apology gives the harasser an opportunity to approach and talk with the victim and correct the views close to them. In the cinema, where the darkness and the juxtaposition of people from all sides, the harasser finds the opportunity to touch or disc or pressure hands or legs or to make silly comments and out of the victim's ears. In overcrowded, enclosed or isolated workplaces, especially if there is a chance for safe seclusion, desires arise

And some mothers or fathers of the frequent incidents of harassment, sexual assault, abduction, rape and murder of children at times, may deliberately prevent their children and daughters

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