السبت، 3 مارس 2018

) Develop your self .

Do not ask others to do what you miss in your life
Be preaching your ethics and actions before you take your words

1) Develop your self ..
I advise and do not expose and insult without injuring ..

2) Develop your self ..
Do not despise someone, even if you see him disobeying God with the greatest sins, you do not know who will be on the Day of Resurrection closer to God you or him ..

3) Develop your self ..
Praise others with a loud voice and admonish them with a low voice; we are self-raising through the superiority of others, who trusts himself
He does not find it objectionable to praise others.

4) Develop yourself ..
Your own circumstances alone and your right to speak are the right of all, do not confuse your problems and psychological circumstances by dealing with others.

5) Develop yourself ..
The rules of happiness Be with God and envy no one
And do not grind and live simply no matter how much you expect good, no matter how much scourge and learning to give and do not wait to reply ..

6) Develop yourself ..
Most of our problems and differences will disappear completely
If we talked to each other, instead of talking
About us ..

7) Develop your self ..
A man who can master patience can master anything else.

8) Develop your self ..
Every bad event in your life is a hidden kindness !! Do not know him often, but if you meditate, you may not like or disagree with him, but: it remains good for you because it is wise
Still some
Think the car
A way to show the standard of living and pride
And is not a means of transport!

Still some
Think that clothes
A way to transcend and show oneself
And not just a vest for the same!

Still some
Think houses
A place to brag about guests and draw attention
And not a place to live!

Still some
People are judged by their manifestations
And forget that there is a heart and there is a mind!

Some still want to draw the attention of the people that he is the best person on earth and Holes best!

We live in a society
Drowned in love of appearances and interest in crusts ..
Take the satisfaction of your world and land it ..
And make your share of the rest of the body ..
And see who belongs to the whole world ..
Did he flee without cotton and shrouds ??

Words more precious than gold

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