السبت، 3 فبراير 2018

Your life is made of your thoughts

Your life is made of your thoughts .. *
* The happiness of man or his hatred or concern or his knife stems from himself alone ..! *
* When life changes to become tougher ... *
* Change yourself to become stronger ..! *
* The life of a difficult tune is not good to play only optimistic, .., *
* Do not despair and leave the world dancing on the strongholds of grief, *
* Make hope of a miracle .. *
* And I am pleased with the light of optimism luster surrounds your thinking and nourishes you with positive ..! *

* And no matter how you encounter your life challenges .. *
* Close your eyes for any bad feelings cause you worry and sadness .. *
* Turn your back to those who created pain in you, *
* And live your life with the same reassuring and confident in God *

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