الجمعة، 23 فبراير 2018

Why did not God accept the sadness of women?!?

Estuza good .. !!
Why did not God accept the sadness of women?!?
Allah says :
In Surah Al-Qasas. "Do not be afraid and do not be sad"
In Surat Maryam. "Let her from beneath her not grieve me"
In Surat Al-Ahzab, "to acknowledge their eyes and not to grieve"
The verses focused on not grieving women ...
Because her grief is deep and sadness loses her beauty and increases her weakness and scientifically grief affects the glandular secretion of female hormones ..
How sad she did not give birth!
How sad her hair fell!
How sad her color is!
Attached is flasks
Needs learned
- The secret to sweet speech
- Do not miss your expectations .. Be reasonable
- Do not be pessimistic
- If the need to do it is not needed
- Always show a sweet need in your loss for a second need
- Life is simply complicated
- Some of us have only the details and conversations and pictures .. Take advantage of happiness
- The atmosphere around you is very helpful
- The atmosphere of your brain is most important
- Hold on to your dreams no matter how impossible
- Love is not haraam, it is not haraam, it is not haraam
- Loss tired and painful no matter how people tried to convince you without Kda
- Patience .. is the need for free, but people Maptbrich
- Think of paradise .. Partially underestimated your problems
- Defend yourself, your love, your time, and your heart
- The people of love true .. Poor and God poor
- Lord, what is the need for a never-ending quest .. You who created you full .. If you are a few of perfection
- Think .. It is Fayda of all
- Somewhere .. At the end of your hair Marvsh Yshilk of his hand two days
Happiness Moments
- Your whole life remains is the moments de
- Embrace your love
- Embrace who you love by your words .. How? .. her word sweet suddenly :))
- I am still convinced that nothing is real
- Have you tried flying? Try to fly with your heart
- Jhazazf even if the Hatzr lost
- Everything starts from scratch and everything is zero
- Tired on yourself .. Nothing is taken forcefully
- Matstnach rejoice .. Because Hattstany many
- Mstnach who is not with you
- I think that no matter how you strayed and misunderstood and lost and shortened .. Minin What you say, Lord, Hatlaki Lord and your side and help you
The words of Bifraq .. !!
When it comes to a suffocating and uncomfortable border
Cruelty medicine .. !!
Does maturity make us cruel? !!!
Do some of them enjoy the evening?
? And others ... are happy evening?
Are there some other Gamala evenings?
O Allah, write to me and to those who read my message of satisfaction and help.
And make happiness in our hearts?
? Explain our chests and illuminate your light God?

We may be surrounded by a reality we do not understand and can not accept and we can not change ... By will, optimism, hope, trust, certainty and good faith in God we will continue our path and strive and make an effort to achieve it and accept it and with time we change it.

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