الأربعاء، 7 فبراير 2018

Disrupt your hobby

Disrupt your hobby
God has a soul purified of the races of her heart, and brought Gilbab

patience at its lowest, and filled what she saw her heart what she saw her eyes, and if inclined to the end of the end of the end, and tended to love the lips of her lips, I asked for the satisfaction of the Mawla and imposed on her land, and market Mujahid market this , And sold her eagerness with conviction and riches in her wealth, and the arrows of feasts came to the goals of the mahrams, seeking her help, and the nobles of the ashes were cut off.
And what gave the cadaver what it deserved ... It does not eliminate the right of homes
Noting with a jealous eye ... and visiting with a body other than an ankle

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