الثلاثاء، 30 يناير 2018

Let me tell you Shriani --- the breeze and fragrance of

Let me tell you Shriani --- the breeze and fragrance of your breath
----- Khalini breathe from your breath ---- So long live my soul Bhawak
I wrestled Amani and loved your breath --- it was a balm of your lights
I will not leave your clouds with my hand --- until I do not feel my feet
I will die with you
The tenderness of us is hilarious and the grams of you are merciful
I ask you for the love of your heart
Day can understand me
Not even the day of receipt and adoption
I saw what you said
Dear conscience
My mind is Za'al from me
And my heart is blocked from me
I felt like a sinner
I can repent of my heart
Forget your hugs and my guilt
And I know what I am, and I suffer on my mind
He showed my conscience to Shale Hammy
For in the day my guilt clears
He talked to me and discussed me and my feelings
You and the sea only
Khlany Ashov love and passion
The tenderness of you on the heart Astwa
Your heart and your mind on the Hui Chute
I sailed on the edge of your heart for nothing
Our God
Gram and Shtak Rida
Doubt for your hobby
Love in the market speech
The image may contain: text
We met after the love story --- it was a dream that went away in my dreams
My heart was bleeding with hope, and my mind was mental where I was
And it was a loving sycamore, forgetting it
We went back and asked me where we were? ---- Was it a dream or was Ashjani
She returned with her mind and her heart to cheer --- to the sweet moments
She said to me, I will kill you with a nap --- so that I will die with all my being
So keep your breath, so that you will satisfy your desire

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