The conjugation may sometimes have some symptoms: it is a symptom that many with the adoration of the dream in the vigilance and sleep at night and day, and may feel Almashouk who follows and embraces without seeing it, and may take away the will can not move or scream and feel those who rumble "rape" is awake not asleep , And may feel that something is arousing his desire to throw up awake and in full consciousness, but in the dream is full cohabitation "get penetration" and if he finished his dream and woke up and found himself tired as if it is true ,,, and may become drowsy at any time At work or at school and dreaming. The devil may fall into the shape of the first person in the dream, as if the lover sees in his dream the image of a beautiful woman or a handsome man and that he is with him in marriage and cohabitation and these repetitions are repeated until the shape becomes familiar to the forgettie (sometimes the shape is in the form of a man or woman known by the medial) He sees in a dream a person on the best image approaching him and his heels and his people, and find some people Ttlznh that foreplay and are guided by the imagination and find them sigh in isolation and rush to sleep perhaps they see that beautiful spectrum. If it turns out that the young man or the young man is interested in these naked fantasies and sexual impulses in the wakefulness and sleep, he may be formed in vigilance by imagining the eye and talking with his lover or mistress through the medallion, even touching the medial in this beautiful false picture, He said, "I have to come and get that evil demon in the form of the one I asked. Another young man says," You were telling the devil not to go. "He said," I want you to come to me in a dream. To the mosque in return for being incarnated in my vigilance. The medial as it is between the sons of Adam of adoration and admiration. If the medial loves the female to the beauty of her eyes, let alone someone stripped of her clothes in front of a demon dominated the world of the Damama creation. It was narrated that Ali Ibn Abi Talib (may Allaah be pleased with him) said that the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: "Cover between the eyes of the jinn and the wombs of the sons of Adam." Narrated by al-Tirmidhi in a narration that he says peace be upon him (cover between the eyes of the jinn and the sins of the sons of Adam to say a Muslim man if he wants to put his clothes: the name of God who has no god but). The verses that affect this type of touch and exposes the reading of the verses below with the verses of al-Rukiya. These verses benefit verses of conservation and immunization in preventing Satan from enjoying and cohabiting with the loved one. } And of the people who take without God, they love them like the love of God and those who believe the most love of God, even if he sees those who wronged when they see the punishment that the power of God all and that God is severe torment "(Al-Baqarah: 165) God wants to repent to you and wants those who follow desires to tend A great mile * God wants to relieve you and create a weak man [[27: 28-28]} And Fouad became the mother of Moses if it was almost empty to show that L [10] And his mother, who is in her own house, closed the doors, and said, "Hit you." He said: "May God forbid that he is my Lord, the best of me, that he does not prosper the oppressors." I have insulted him by them, but he saw the proof of his Lord as well. [Joseph: 23-24] The Lord of the prison said: "He loves me from what they call me to him. Otherwise, he will dispose of me like their hand." "[Yusuf: 33-34] And women in the city said:" A woman who is dear, wandering about herself, has a passion for her, that we love to see her in a clear error. "[Yusuf: 30] He said to his people came to the obscene and you see * You come to men lust without femininity, but you are ignorant people [[ants: 54-55]} Suzlnha and imposed and dropped it "The adulterer does not marry only an adulteress or a mushrikah, and an adulteress does not disobey him except for a zaan or a mushrik, and he forbids that against the believers. {[Light: 1-3]} And those who do not call with God another god and do not kill the soul that God has forbidden (Al-Furqan: 68)} Those who love to propagate obscene things in those who believe them have a painful punishment in this world and in the hereafter, and Allah knows, and you do not know. "[Al-Nur: 19] ]} حور مقصورات في الخيام * فبي ألقاء ربكما تكذبان * * [الرحمن: 72-74]} And they are not like those who desire, as He did with me. Think before they were in doubt
السبت، 7 أكتوبر 2017
The conjugation may sometimes have some
The conjugation may sometimes have some symptoms: it is a symptom that many with the adoration of the dream in the vigilance and sleep at night and day, and may feel Almashouk who follows and embraces without seeing it, and may take away the will can not move or scream and feel those who rumble "rape" is awake not asleep , And may feel that something is arousing his desire to throw up awake and in full consciousness, but in the dream is full cohabitation "get penetration" and if he finished his dream and woke up and found himself tired as if it is true ,,, and may become drowsy at any time At work or at school and dreaming. The devil may fall into the shape of the first person in the dream, as if the lover sees in his dream the image of a beautiful woman or a handsome man and that he is with him in marriage and cohabitation and these repetitions are repeated until the shape becomes familiar to the forgettie (sometimes the shape is in the form of a man or woman known by the medial) He sees in a dream a person on the best image approaching him and his heels and his people, and find some people Ttlznh that foreplay and are guided by the imagination and find them sigh in isolation and rush to sleep perhaps they see that beautiful spectrum. If it turns out that the young man or the young man is interested in these naked fantasies and sexual impulses in the wakefulness and sleep, he may be formed in vigilance by imagining the eye and talking with his lover or mistress through the medallion, even touching the medial in this beautiful false picture, He said, "I have to come and get that evil demon in the form of the one I asked. Another young man says," You were telling the devil not to go. "He said," I want you to come to me in a dream. To the mosque in return for being incarnated in my vigilance. The medial as it is between the sons of Adam of adoration and admiration. If the medial loves the female to the beauty of her eyes, let alone someone stripped of her clothes in front of a demon dominated the world of the Damama creation. It was narrated that Ali Ibn Abi Talib (may Allaah be pleased with him) said that the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: "Cover between the eyes of the jinn and the wombs of the sons of Adam." Narrated by al-Tirmidhi in a narration that he says peace be upon him (cover between the eyes of the jinn and the sins of the sons of Adam to say a Muslim man if he wants to put his clothes: the name of God who has no god but). The verses that affect this type of touch and exposes the reading of the verses below with the verses of al-Rukiya. These verses benefit verses of conservation and immunization in preventing Satan from enjoying and cohabiting with the loved one. } And of the people who take without God, they love them like the love of God and those who believe the most love of God, even if he sees those who wronged when they see the punishment that the power of God all and that God is severe torment "(Al-Baqarah: 165) God wants to repent to you and wants those who follow desires to tend A great mile * God wants to relieve you and create a weak man [[27: 28-28]} And Fouad became the mother of Moses if it was almost empty to show that L [10] And his mother, who is in her own house, closed the doors, and said, "Hit you." He said: "May God forbid that he is my Lord, the best of me, that he does not prosper the oppressors." I have insulted him by them, but he saw the proof of his Lord as well. [Joseph: 23-24] The Lord of the prison said: "He loves me from what they call me to him. Otherwise, he will dispose of me like their hand." "[Yusuf: 33-34] And women in the city said:" A woman who is dear, wandering about herself, has a passion for her, that we love to see her in a clear error. "[Yusuf: 30] He said to his people came to the obscene and you see * You come to men lust without femininity, but you are ignorant people [[ants: 54-55]} Suzlnha and imposed and dropped it "The adulterer does not marry only an adulteress or a mushrikah, and an adulteress does not disobey him except for a zaan or a mushrik, and he forbids that against the believers. {[Light: 1-3]} And those who do not call with God another god and do not kill the soul that God has forbidden (Al-Furqan: 68)} Those who love to propagate obscene things in those who believe them have a painful punishment in this world and in the hereafter, and Allah knows, and you do not know. "[Al-Nur: 19] ]} حور مقصورات في الخيام * فبي ألقاء ربكما تكذبان * * [الرحمن: 72-74]} And they are not like those who desire, as He did with me. Think before they were in doubt
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