الأربعاء، 10 يونيو 2015

Ahmedaly Aly
‏10 يونيو، 2014‏، الساعة ‏05:10 صباحاً‏ ·
Want what you have. Researchers are finding that people who “want what they have” are more satisfied with life than those who are seeking something new. Our tendency to adapt means that the luster wears off of the new house, car, or even romance quickly. Our economy is designed to continually stimulate desire for what we don’t have. Psychologist Daniel Nettle calls this the "psychology of liking" getting drowned out by the "psychology of wanting." But people who appreciate and enjoy what they already have—whether it’s a car or a mate—report greater happiness.
What is the common thread in these strategies? Other people. Friends, family, and social networks are our greatest source of happiness; we feel more positive emotions when we’re with other people; other people give our lives meaning and are part of our happy memories; and by treasuring the people in our lives we focus on what is more important to us.

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