السبت، 16 مايو 2015

Tell me about the greatest verse in the Koran? 
And any wiser? 
And verse fairest? 
Okhov and verse? 
And allergic verse? 
And a verse in which ten verses? 
The verse in which the children of the prophets lied? 
And any sincerity in which Jews and Christians?
And verse uttered by God himself? 
And Aahviha say angels? 
And verse where the words of the people of Paradise? 
And verse where the words of the people of Hell? 
And verse where the words of the devil ??? 
Boy said: The greatest verse They verse chair ..
The wisest verse "Allah commands justice and charity" 
And fairest verse "it whit of good will see it works whit seen evil works" 
Okhov and verse "Oatma Amrye all of them to enter a paradise" 
And allergic verse "Say: O My servants who have transgressed against their souls! Despair not of the mercy of God that God forgives all sins." 
And a verse in which ten verses are "in the creation of the heavens and the earth and the alternation of night and day are signs for men of understanding." 
The verse in which they lied to the children of the prophets "came and blood on his shirt lying"
They Joseph's brothers lied and entered Paradise, and the verse in which Jews and Christians Believe It, "and said Jews are not Christians, something the Jews and the Christians is not something" 
Vsedkoa and went into the fire 
The verse that God uttered to himself is "I created the jinn and mankind except to worship what I want from them livelihood and I want to eat the God-Razzaq is a robust force" 
And verse where the words of the prophets, "and what we are to Notekm authority except with the permission of God, and God let the believers." 
And verse where the words of the angels, "Glory we are not aware, but what you taught us you Alim Hakim" 
And verse where the words of the people of Paradise "Praise be to God, who go sadness us that our Lord is Forgiving, thanks to" 
And verse where the words of the people of Hell, "the Lord brought us out of them then we are back unjust" 
And a verse in which the devil is saying, "I am better than he created me from fire and created from clay."

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