الاثنين، 2 سبتمبر 2013

I would like to draw

I would like to draw a smile can make you happy
I love you can run out day
I can Day Rose Tbhjk
I run out or until the day I love you I want to be in your heart and I love you
I would like to be on the mind like your heart
I would like a breeze and I'm in your heart
I'd like to see you my heart and my mind there
6:24:04 AM  
I would like to draw a smile can will make you happy
I love you can run out day
I can be a rose on love
I run out or until the day I love you I want to be in your heart and I love you
I would like to be on the mind like your heart
I would like a breeze and I'm in your heart
I'd like to see you my heart and my mind there

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