الجمعة، 16 أغسطس 2013

d touching speech.
Speech of Joshua Evans, convert to Islam:
” RasulAllah Salallahu Alaihi Wasallam said that when the angel of death comes to the disbeliever, it doesn’t come b c a
badckindly, he yanks the soul through and it’s as if his flesh is torn from his bones. This is the death that is waiting for those who do not know Allah SWT. And you know the unfortunate thing? That while you’ve been sitting here listening to me, thousands of people have died. Thousands of people have lost their life not knowing Allah while I am talking to you right now, people in this city have lost their life. And there’s nothing we can do about them. They’re gone. It’s too late for them. We can’t save them even if we wanted to. And that’s a deplorable, deplorable, sad, sad, fact, that we can’t save them. But there are many, many, many we can save, and all that takes is us taking that light of islam and showing it to the world.
Unfortunately, the Muslims of this generation, we are a bunch of candles with buckets on top of it. No one can see our light. No one can see the beauty of Islam, and believe me, if you don’t see it.. Take it from someone who was once standing on the outside, looking through the window at that light : it is one of the most beautiful things you can ever lay your eyes on. It is a treasure to be found of treasures and everyone can see this, and they will see this if we show it to them. Whether they want to hear it or not, they know it in the bottom of their heart when you show them the truth, even if they turn away from it. They know it’s the right thing… they know it’s the truth.

There are no more Prophets coming, so the job falls on our shoulders. Quran’s are not gonna fall out of the sky and hit people when they’re walking on the street. This job has now become ours, and just like if Prophet Muhammad Salallahu Alaihi Wasallam had not done his mission, he would’ve been accountable before Allah. We, if we do not do our job of spreading this message of Islam, we will stand before Allah on the Day of Judgement. Don’t be the person standing before Allah on the Day of Judgement. And your neighbor and co-worker that you’ve known 10,15,20 years will come and find you, telling you ”You knew this Day was coming, you knew this Day was coming and what was gonna happen to me and you did not say anything to me”. And those people will complain to Allah about us. They will complain to Allah about us because we have the truth right amongst them, and we’re not giving it to them. We need to stop hiding it in our Masjids, in our homes and in our hearts and we need to give it to the people. It’s beautiful, trust me. Just hand it to them, I promise you they’ll take it because it’s so pure an pristine. ”

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المصرى: الجمعة، 2 أبريل 2010 كيف تحاور..؟ كيف تحاور..؟ -  أبريل 02, 2010   ليست هناك تعليقات:    إرسال بالبريد الإلكتروني كتابة مدونة حول ه...