Books On Women In Islam This reading list was handed out during a Session of the ISNA-Canada Annual Conference, held in Toronto in May 1992. Compiled by : Sr. Khadija Haffajee 1. The Holy Qur'an - Translation and Commentary: A. Yusuf Ali. 2. The Struggle of Muslim Women: K. Siddiqui, American Society for Education and Religion, Kingsville, Maryland, U.S.A., 1985. 3. What Everyone Should Know About Islam and Muslims: Suzanne Haneef, Kazi Publications, 1980, Section 4, pp. 141-164. 4. Status of Women in Islam: Jamal Badawi, A.T.P., Indianapolis Indiana, U.S.A. 5. Tapes, Volume 3, The Family: Jamal Badawi, Islamic Information Foundation, Halifax. 6. The Islamic View of Women and Family: M. Abdul-Rauf, Robert Speller and Sons, New York, 1977. 7. The Position of Women in Islam: Nashat Afza and K. Ahmed, Islamic Book Publishers, Kuwait, 1982. 8. The Family Structure in Islam: H. 'Abd al Ati, A.T.P., Indianapolis, Indiana, 1977. 9. The Blessed Women of Islam: M.S. Siddiqui, Kazi Publications, Lahore, 1982. 10. Umm al Mu'minin - A'ishah Siddiqah: Life and Works: M. Moin, Taj Company, Delhi, 1982. 11. The Rights of Women: M. Iqbal, Montreal, 1988. 12. Ideal Women in Islam: M. Imran, Islamic Publications, Lahore, 1989. 13. Women in Islam and Muslim Society: Hasan Turabi, Milestones Publications, London, 1991. 14. Role of Muslim Women in Society: Afzular Rahman, Seerah Foundation, London, 1986. 15. The Wives of the Prophet: Dr. Bint al-Shati, Sh. Muhammad Ashraf, Lahore, 1971. 16. Women in Shari'ah: A.R.I. Doi, Ta-ha Publications, London, 1989. 17. Women, Muslim Society and Islam: Lamya' al Faruqi, A.T.P., 1988. 18. Family Roots: Mildred M. El-Amin, International Ummah Foundation, Chicago, 1991. 19. Motherhood in Islam: Aliah Schleifer, Islamic Academy, Cambridge, 1986. 20. Liberation of Women thru Islam: Dr. Kaukab Siddique, American Society for Education and Religion, Maryland, 1990. This list was compiled by Dr. Sheema Khan of McGill University for a Special Supplement on Islam in the McGill Daily, Dec. 2, 1993. 1. Islam in Focus: Hammudah Abdalati. 2. Muslim Women and Higher Education: Dr. Ania Ahmad & Muslim Sajjad. 3. Women and Social Justice - Legal & Social Issues: Dr. Anis Ahmad. 4. Women, Muslim Society & Islam: Lois Layma Al-Faruqi. 5. The Muslim Women's Dress: Dr. Jamal Badawi (MSA). 6. Status of Women in Islam: Dr. Jamal Badawi (MSA). 7. Women in Islam: B. Aisha Lemu & Fatima Heeren. 8. Islam & the Muslim Woman Today: Maryam Jameelah. 9. Role of Muslim Women in Society: Afzalur Rahman. 10. Women in Islam and Muslim Society: Dr. Hasan Al-Turabi. 11. The Struggle of Muslim Women: Kaukab Siddiqui. 12. The Liberation of Muslim Women: Kaukab Siddiqui. 13. Women and Gender in Islam: Leila Ahmed. 14. The Veil and The Male Elite: Fatima Mernissi. 15. The Rights of Women in Islam: Asgharali Engineer.Who Is Allah ? Some of the biggest misconceptions that many non-Muslims have about Islam have to do with the word "Allah". Many people have come to believe that Muslims worship a different God than Christians and Jews. This is totally false... <> What Does the Quran Say ? If we compare every copy of the Quran with each other, we will find they match perfectly word for word - from the oldest copies to the ones printed just today. No human hand has changed it... <> What Is the Purpose of Life ? They say that a fool lives to eat and a wise man eats to live. But then the question remains: for what purpose does the wise man live? Living is not an end by itself. There has to be a purpose for man to live for... <> Islam and Christianity : Is there a Relation ? While there are theological differences, some of which might be significant, there are nonetheless other important areas of belief that are shared by both religions... <
الأربعاء، 23 سبتمبر 2009
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