السبت، 12 أكتوبر 2013

عيسى (المسيح)

اسيدنا عيسى (المسيح) كان رسول زيه زى بقيه الرسل والانبياء 
إن ما أوردته أناجيل النصارى المحرفة على لسان المسيح – عليه السلام – من كونه ابن الله و أن الله حل فيه أو كون الله هو المسيح إلى غيرها من التهم والخزعبلات ، أقول : إن تلك العقائد هي مما ألصق بالسيد المسيح – عليه السلام – و هو منه بريء ، لمنافاته لعقيدة التوحيد التي جاء بها كغيره من الرسل ، إذ يستحيل أن يصف المسيح نفسه بأوصاف الله عز وجل من الأزلية و الأبدية و العلم المطلق بكل شيء والوجود في كل مكان .. إلى غير ذلك من الصفات والأفعال الخاصة بالله عز وجل 

و لو فرض – جدلاً – أن شيئاً من هذه الأقوال قد جاء على لسان المسيح – عليه السلام – مما يتضمن وصفه لنفسه بالبنوة والألوهية ، فإن بالضرورة ليس بالمعنى الذي يقصده المسيحيون من هذه الألفاظ ، فإن هذه الألفاظ قد وردت في الأسفار الكتابية بمعان أخرى ذكرها ابن تيمية في معرض رده على المسيحيين الذين يحتجون على قولهم ببنوة المسيح لله تعالى و ألوهيته بما ورد في أناجيلهم من النصل على ذلك . 

و كذلك فعل غيره من العلماء في إبطالهم لاستشهادات النصارى على عقيدتهم الباطلة هذه من الكتاب المقدس . 

لو فرض ذلك لابد وأن يؤول لفظ البنوة و الألوهية في حق المسيح بما لا يتنافى مع العقيدة الصحيحة في الله والمسيح ككونه دالاً على تكريمه و قربه من الله ، أو دالاً على رئاسته الدينية و شرفه و كونه متكلماً باسمه ، حاكماً بحكمه ، عاملاً بوصاياه .. الخ ، لاسيما إذا علمنا أن أسفار العهد القديم كانت تطلق لفظ البنوة على إسرائيل و على داود و غيرهما كما كانت تطلق لفظ الألوهية على موسى – عليه السلام – وعلى غيره من قضاة بني إسرائيل بهده المعاني ، بذكر التأويلات الصحيحة لما ورد في الأناجيل من ألفاظ الأبوة والبنوة والألوهية .. الخ ، ليست إذاً بنوة المسيح وألوهيته – حتى لو فرضت صحة هذه النصوص – بنوة و ألوهية حقيقية ، بل مجازية يجب أن تؤول نصوصها بما لا يتضمن فساداً في العقيدة ، ولا مخالفة للتوحيد ، و لتتفق مع النصوص المحكمة في العقيدة . 

زد على ذلك – على فرض صحة نقله – لابد وأن يفهم على ضوء بقية ما تضمنه الكتاب المقدس من خصائص البشرية للمسيح – عليه السلام – . 

أما ما أسند إلى المسيح من أفعال الله – عز وجل – فهو نوع من التحريف الذي ألحقه المسيحيون بعقيدتهم التوحيدية الصحيحة ، و ما داموا قد انحرفوا و ألهوا المسيح ، فمن الطبيعي أن يضيفوا إليه أفعال الألوهية ، وإذا كان تأليههم المسيح اعتقاد باطل ، فإن إضافتهم إليه أعمال الألوهية يعد أمراً باطلاً هو الآخر ، فإن مقتضى استحالة الألوهية في حق المسيح هو استحالة أفعالها في حقه كذلك .

والذي يتمعن فيما يستدلون به هنا من نصوص ، يجد أنها لا تتضمن في الحقيقة وصف المسيح لنفسه بالأزلية – كما يزعمون – بل أقصى ما فيها تقدير الله لنبوته ، و تمجيده له في قدره السابق ، قبل أن يخلق الخلائق ، و هذا أمر وارد في حق كل نبي من الأنبياء . 

أما المعجزات : كمعجزة إحياء الموتى ، فلم يفعلها المسيح باعتباره إليهاً قادراً على كل شيء ، وإنما فعلها بالقدرة التي منحها الله له ، و بعد أن تضرع إلى الله الذي أرسله طالباً تأييده ، و ليس في هذا ما يدل على ألوهيته و لكنه يدل على نبوته ، وتأييد الله له بهذه المعجزات . 

أما ما يزعمونه من جلوس المسيح على يمين الرب ، لدينونة الخلائق ، فذلك أمر باطل ، دفعهم إليه غلوهم في حق المسيح ، فالله هو مالك يوم الدين ، و هو المتفرد بحساب الخلائق في ذلك اليوم . و لو فرض وأن تعميد الناس إنما يكون باسمه مع اسم الله و روح القدس – مما تضمنه إنجيل متى – فهذا ليس على سبيل المشاركة في الألوهية ، و إنما على سبيل البركة باعتباره نبي الله . 

و بديهي أن عيسى – عليه السلام – لا يمكن أن يرد على لسانه إقراره لـ ( توما ) في وصفه له بالألوهية ، و هو النبي الداعي إلى التوحيد ، و سوف يجيب ربه يوم القيامة – إذا سأله عن تأليه الناس له – قائلاً : {ما قلت لهم إلا ما أمرتني به أن اعبدوا الله ربي و ربكم }[المائدة/117] . 

و غاية القول : إن ما يستشهد به النصارى على عقيدتهم في المسيح – عليه السلام – إما أن تكون شواهد مكذوبة النسبة إلى المسيح – عليه السلام – أو محرفة في نقلها و ترجمتها ، أو تكون متضمنة لألفاظ مؤولة لا ينبغي فهمها إلا في ضوء استعمال الكتب المقدسة لها ، و على ضوء بقية النصوص الأخرى التي تتضمن النص على بشرية المسيح – عليه السلام – و غيره من الأنبياء . 

و سوف يتضح بجلاء بطلان ما يستشهد به النصارى على عقيدتهم في المسيح بعد أن نعرض فيما يأتي إبطال ابن تيمية و غيره من العلماء لما يستدل به النصارى من أدلة أخرى غير تلك التي أوردناها و أبطلناها في هذا المقام . 

يذكر ابن تيمية أن عقيدة اليهود و النصارى في شأن المسيح – عليه السلام – على طرفي نقيض . فاليهود لم يعطوا المسيح حقه الذي منحه الله إياه ، فزعموا أن ولد زنا ، و أنه كذاب و ساحر ، و لم يؤمنوا به . 

أما النصارى فقد غالوا في تعظيمه لدرجة تأليهه ، فقالوا عنه : إنه الله و ابن الله ، بل صار من يقول فيه القول الحق من علمائهم و عبادهم يجمعون لهم مجمعاً و يلعنونهم فيه على وجه التعصب ، واتباع الهوى ، و الغلو فيمن يعظمونه . الجواب الصحيح ( 2/88 ) . 

و يبطل ابن تيمية عقيدة النصارى هذه في بنوة المسيح لله تعالى و ألوهيته ، و أدلتهم عليها من جهات متعددة .. 

فهو يبطلها بإبطال أدلتهم من الكتاب المقدس – عندهم - ، و كذلك بإبطال استدلالهم عليها – في زعمهم – بالقرآن الكريم . 

تفصيل ذلك : المقصود هنا – كما يقول ابن تيمية - : بيان بطلان احتجاج النصارى على أن المسيح هو الله ، أو ابن الله ، أو أنه كلمة الله الخالقة ، و أنه ليس لهم في ظاهر القرآن ولا باطنه حجة كما ليس لهم حجة في سائر كتب الله ، و إنما تمسكوا بآيات متشابهات ، و تركوا المحكم ، كما أخبر الله تعالى عنهم بقوله {هو الذي أنزل عليك الكتاب منه آيات محكمات هن أم الكتاب و أخر متشابهات فأما الذين في قلوبهم زيغ فيتبعون ما تشابه منه ابتغاء الفتنة وابتغاء تأويله }[آل عمران/7] . والآية -كما يقول ابن تيمية – نزلت في النصارى فهم مرادون من الآية قطعاً . الجواب الصحيح (2/304) . 

يقول ابن تيمية : ثم يقال للنصارى في هذا المقام : أنتم لا يمكنكم إثبات كون المسيح هو الله إلا بهذه الكتب ، ولا يمكنكم تصحيح هذه الكتب إلا بإثبات أن الحواريين رسل الله معصومون ، ولا يمكنكم إثبات أنهم رسل الله إلا بإثبات أن المسيح هو الله ، فصار ذلك دوراً ممتنعاً .- والدور هو : توقف الشيء على نفسه ، أي يكون هو نفسه عله لنفسه ، بواسطة أو بدون واسطة والدور مستحيل بالبداهة العقلية . أنظر : ضوابط المعرفة لعبد الرحمن الميداني ( ص333) - . فإنه لا تعلم إلهية المسيح إلا بثبوت هذه الكتب ، ولا تثبت هذه الكتب إلا بثبوت أنهم رسل الله ، ولا يثبت ذلك إلا بثبوت أنه الله ، فصار ثبوت الإلهية متوقفاً على ثبوت إلهيته ، و ثبوت كونهم رسل الله متوقفاً على كونهم رسل الله ، فصار ذلك دوراً ممتنعاً . الجواب الصحيح ( 1/357 ) . 

إبطال ابن تيمية لاستدلالات النصارى على بنوة المسيح وألوهيته بالتوراة ثم بالإنجيل . 

أولاً : إبطال أدلتهم من التوراة : 
يستشهد النصارى على عقيدتهم ببنوة المسيح لله تعالى و أبوة الله له وبالتالي على ألوهية المسيح ، ببعض نصوص التوراة التي تتضمن هذه الألفاظ الدالة على تلك العقائد ، فقد قالوا : نحن معشر النصارى لم نسم المسيح بهذه الأسماء من ذات أنفسنا ، بل الله سماه بها ، و ذلك أنه قال على لسان موسى النبي في التوراة مخاطباً بني إسرائيل : أليس هو أباك و مقتنيك ، هو عملك وأنشأك . سفر التثنية ( 32 : 6 ) . أي أن اسم الأب أو كلمة الأب قد استعملت في التوراة بالنسبة لله عز وجل ، فلم يكونوا – في نظر أنفسهم – هم المبتدعين لتلك الكلمة في حق الله عز وجل ، ولا ما تستتبعه تلك الكلمة من النبوة بالنسبة للمسيح . 

و قد أجاب ابن تيمية على ذلك بقوله : إن في هذا الكلام أنه سماه أباً لغير المسيح – عليه السلام – و هذا نظير قوله لإسرائيل : أنت ابني بكري - سفر الخروج ( 4 : 22 و 23 ) - و لداود : ابني و حبيبي – مزمور ( 89 : 26 . 27 ) – و قل المسيح : أبي وأبيكم – يوحنا ( 20 :17 ) - ، و هم يسلّمون أن المراد بهذا في حق غير المسيح بمعنى الرب ، لا بمعنى التولد الذي يخصون به المسيح . 

ثم إن هذا الدليل الذي يستدلون به على بنوة المسيح لله تعالى و ألوهيته هو حجة عليهم ، فإذا كان في الكتب المتقدمة تسميته أباً لغير المسيح ، و ليس المراد بذلك إلا معنى الرب ، علم أن هذا اللفظ في لغة الكتب يراد به الرب ، فيجب حمله ف يحق المسيح على هذا المعنى ، لأن الأصل عدم الاشتراك في الكلام ، وأن استعماله في المعنى الذي خصو به المسيح إنما يثبت إذا علم أنه أريد به المعنى الذي ادعوه في المسيح ، فلو أثبت ذلك المعنى بمجرد إطلاق لفظ الأب لزم الدور ، فإنه يعلم أنه أريد به ذلك المعنى ، من حيث يثبت أنه كان يراد به في حق الله هذا المعنى ، ولا يثبت ذلك حتى يعلم أنه أريد به ذلك المعنى في حق المسيح ، فإذا توقف العلم بكل منهما على الآخر لم يعلم واحد منهما ، فتبين أنه لا علم عندهم بأنه أريد في حق المسيح بلفظ الأب ما خصوه به في محل النزاع . 

ثم إنه لا يوجد في كتب الأنبياء و كلامهم إطلاق اسم الأب والمراد به أب اللاهوت ، ولا إطلاق اسم الابن و المراد به شيء من اللاهوت ، و لا كلمته ولا حياته ، بل لا يوجد لفظ الابن إلا والمراد به المخلوق ، فلا يكون لفظ الابن إلا لابن مخلوق ، و حينئذ فيلزم من ذلك أن يكون مسمى الابن في حق المسيح هو الناسوت ، و هذا يبطل قولهم : إن الابن و روح القدس صفتان لله ، وإن المسيح اسم اللاهوت والناسوت ، فتبين أن نصوص كتب الأنبياء تبطل مذهب النصارى و تناقض أمانتهم . الجواب الصحيح ( 2 / 123 ) . 

ثانياً : إبطال أدلتهم من الإنجيل : 
يستشهد النصارى ببعض نصوص الأناجيل التي تتضمن ألفاظاً دالة على تلك العقائد ، فقالوا : عمدوا الناس باسم الأب و الابن والروح القدس . متى ( 28 : 19 ) . 

و قد رد ابن تيمية على ذلك بقوله : هذا النص هو عمدتكم على ما تدعونه من الأقانيم الثلاثة ، و ليس فيه شيء يدل على ذلك لا نصاً ولا ظاهراً ، فإن لفظ الابن لم يستعمل قط في الكتب الإلهية في معنى صفة من صفات الله ، ولم يسم أحد من الأنبياء علم الله ابنه ، ولا سموا كلامه ابنه ، و لكن عندكم أنهم سموا عبده وأو عباده ابنه أو بنيه ، وإذا كان كذلك فدعواكم أن المسيح أراد بالعلم ابن الله ، و كلامه دعوى في غاية الكذب على المسيح ، و هو حمل للفظ على مالم يستعمله هو ولا غيره فيه لا حقيقة و لا مجازاً ، فأي كذب و تحريف لكلام الأنبياء أعظم من هذا ، و لو كان لفظ الابن يستعمل في صفة الله لسميت حياته ابناً ، و قدرته ابناً ، فتخصيص العلم بلفظ الابن دون الحياة خطأ ثانٍ لو كان لفظ الابن يستعمل في صفة الله ، فكيف إذا لم يكن كذلك ... 

بل ظاهر هذا الكلام أن يعمدوهم باسم الأب الذي يريدون به في لغتهم الرب ، والابن الذي يريدون به في لغتهم المربي ، و هو هنا المسيح ، و الروح القدس الذي أيد الله به المسيح من الملك والوحي وغير ذلك ، و بهذا فسر هذا الكلام من فسره من أكابر علمائهم . الجواب الصحيح ( 

الخميس، 10 أكتوبر 2013

كان زمان

قالوا بيحبك قلت كان زمان
شافوا الهيام قلت دة حرمان
قلبك دة ولانارواشجان
حيرت عقلى وقلبى بات حيران
من جفاك وشوقى كان حنان
سالت روحى قالت دة فتان
قلبة باع واشترى بتراب الاثمان
بعت حبى واشتريت قلب خسران
قالوا بيحبك قلت كان زمان
انت انت من جفانى بحرمان
انت انت من قتلنى بحب وحرمان
سالت ربى ان يهب لى سلام
من غدر حبك وعذاب الايام

حبك كلام

بعت قلبى فى سوق الكلام بحب واشتياق
اشتراة حبيبى باثمان البخلاء
قلبك باعنى واشترى كلام واوهام
احبك احبك فى سوق الكلام كلام
بعت بالرخيص واشتريت بالغالى 
حرمان وهجران
سوق الكلام عارض كلام
وانا قلبى شارى بحب وغرام
سالت دلال الهوى الحب بكام
قال لى القلووب شبعت هيام
توزن كلمة بحبك بكام 
انت وحبك لا يساوى جرام
شكانى قلبى لقاضى الغرام

سالت روحى وروحك 
لا نبيع ولا نشترى فى سوق الكلام

الأربعاء، 9 أكتوبر 2013

the Jews and the Christians say:

 the Jews and the Christians say: "We are sons of Allah, and his beloved." Say: "Why then doth He punish you for your sins? Nay, ye are but men,- of the men he hath created: He forgiveth whom He pleaseth, and He punisheth whom He pleaseth: and to Allah belongeth the dominion of the heavens and the earth, and all that is between: and unto Him is the final goal (of all)"
PICKTHAL: The Jews and Christians say: We are sons of Allah and His loved ones. Say: Why then doth He chastise you for your sins? Nay, ye are but mortals of His creating. He forgiveth whom He will, and chastiseth whom He will. Allah's is the Sovereignty of the heavens and the earth and all that is between them, and unto Him is the journeying.
SHAKIR: And the Jews and the Christians say: We are the sons of Allah and His beloved ones. Say: Why does He then chastise you for your faults? Nay, you are mortals from among those whom He has created, He forgives whom He pleases and chastises whom He pleases; and Allah's is the kingdom of the heavens and the earth and what is between them, and to Him is the eventual coming.

people of the Book!

 O people of the Book! There hath come to you our Messenger, revealing to you much that ye used to hide in the Book, and passing over much (that is now unnecessary): There hath come to you from Allah a (new) light and a perspicuous Book, -
PICKTHAL: O People of the Scripture! Now hath Our messenger come unto you, expounding unto you much of that which ye used to hide in the Scripture, and forgiving much. now hath come unto you light from Allah and plain Scripture,
SHAKIR: O followers of the Book! indeed Our Messenger has come to you making clear to you much of what you concealed of the Book and passing over much; indeed, there has come to you light and a clear Book from Allah;
YUSUFALI: Wherewith Allah guideth all who seek His good pleasure to ways of peace and safety, and leadeth them out of darkness, by His will, unto the light,- guideth them to a path that is straight.
PICKTHAL: Whereby Allah guideth him who seeketh His good pleasure unto paths of peace. He bringeth them out of darkness unto light by His decree, and guideth them unto a straight path.
SHAKIR: With it Allah guides him who will follow His pleasure into the ways of safety and brings them out of utter darkness into light by His will and guides them to the right path.



Islam is an Arabic word the root of which is Silm and Salam. It means among others: peace, greeting, salutation, obedience, loyalty, allegiance, and submission to the will of the Creator of the Universe.
Islam is the last and final religion to all mankind and to all generations irrespective of color, race, nationality, ethnic background, language, or social position.
The religion of Islam is not to be confused with Mohammedanism. The latter is misnomer to Islam. Muslims do not accept this name as it gives wrong information about Islam and Muslims.ا


it means 'Possessor of the Two Lights'. It is used to refer to Uthman ibn Affan because he married two of the Prophet's daughters.

Bismillahir rahmanir rahim


Bismillahir rahmanir rahimThis is a phrase from the Qur'an that is recited before reading the Qur'an. It is to be read immediately after one reads the phrase: "A'uzu Billahi Minashaitanir Rajim."

This phrase is also recited before doing any daily activity. The meaning of it is: "In the name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful."



Salah is an Arabic word to mean a spiritual relationship and communication between the creature and his Creator. Salah is one of the five pillars of Islam. A special communication (Salah) is to take place five times a day for a Muslim: Fajr (Dawn), Zuhr (Noon), 'Asr (Afternoon), Magrib (Sunset), and 'Ishha' (Late Night).
Salah is to be performed with mental concentration, verbal communication, vocal recitation, and physical movement to attain the spiritual uplift, peace, harmony, and concord. There is a congregational prayer on Friday noon (Salatul Jumu'ah) with a sermon (Khutbah) to be delivered by a religious leader (Imam) called Khatib.
To perform Salah, a Muslim has to have ablution (Wudhu'). He/she should make sure that cleanliness of body, clothing, and place are attained before performing Salah.
Salah is not to be confused with prayer; the latter could be interpreted as supplication (Du'a).



This is an expression Muslims say whenever they meet one another. It is a statement of greeting with peace. The meaning of it is: "Peace be upon you."
Muslims try to establish peace on earth even through the friendly relation of greeting and meeting one another.
The other forms are: "Assalamu 'Alalikum Wa Rahmatullah," which means:"May the peace and the Mercy of Allah be upon you," and "Assalamu Alalikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuh," which means :"May the peace, the mercy, and the blessings of Allah be upon you."

Muhammad ar-Rasool-lal-lah

La ilaha illal-lah

fAzhan, How It Is Made
There are three ways to make the azhan:
-1- Make four takbir at the beginning and say the rest of the phrases twice, without any repetition, except for the last statement of la illaha illa-lah. So, the azhan would be made up of fifteen phrases, as in the preceding hadith of 'Abdullah.
-2- Make four takbir and then repeat ashhadu an la ilaha illal-lah, twice, and ashhadu anna Muhammad ar-Rasool-lal-lah twice, in a low voice, then repeat them again in a louder voice. Abu Mahzhura reported that the Prophet, upon whom be peace, taught him an azhan consisting of nineteen phrases. This hadith is related by "the five." At-Tirmizhi called it hassan sahih.
-3- Make two takbir and repeat the "statements of witness," making the number of phrases seventeen. Muslim records that Abu Mahzhurah related that the Prophet, upon whom be peace, taught him the following azhan: Allahu akbar, Allahu akbar. Ashhadu alla ilaha illal-lah, ashhadu alla ilaha illal-lah. Ashhadu anna Muhammad ar-Rasool-lal-lah, ashhadu anna Muhammad ar-Rasool-lal-lah. Then repeat ashhadu alla ilaha illal-lah (twice), ashhadu anna Muhammad ar-Rasool-lal-lah (twice), hayya 'alas-salah (twice), hayya 'alal-falah (twice). Allahu akbar, Allahu akbar. La ilaha illal-lah. "


The discourse

The discourse has been concluded with the assertion that accountability shall certainly be held and it will be held on the Day when the Divine Court will be established. At that time the deniers of the judgment will understand that which they are not understanding now in spite of instruction and admonition, but understanding then will be of no avail. The denier will regret and say, "Would that I had provided for this Day beforehand while I lived in the world." But his regrets will not save him from Allah's punishment. However, as for the people who would have accepted the Truth, which the heavenly books and the Prophets of God were presenting, with full satisfaction of the heart in the world, Allah will be pleased with them and they will be well pleased with the rewards bestowed by Allah. They will be called upon to join the righteous and enter Paradise.


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sometimes when i'm alone

en a battery and a woman?
A: A battery has a positive side
40-i miss you so much
i can't leave you
i can't go anywhere without you
you are always with me
oh my shoes! i like you
41-A friend saw me hungry, he gave me food

He saw me thirsty, he gave me pepsi

He saw me in dark, he gave me light

He saw me wizout problems, he gave me you..

42- I am not sure what life could bring
I am not sure if dreams come true

I am not sure what love can do
I am very sure about one thing .............. I MISS U
43-the piano say
u can forget ... do
i can forget ... re
u can't forget
meeeeeeeeeeeee !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

don't be angry
i will tell you what toz means:

t = take care of ur self
o = of course i love u
z = zero my life without u

so ... a big toz to you...
45-when it rains
you don't see the sun
but it's there.
hope we can be like that
we don't see each other
but we'll always be
there for each other...
the moon looks like u !!!
the stars are shining 4 u !!!
the birds are singing 4 u !!!
my heart says:
i miss u
47-( I MISS U )
more than my eyes could ever see..
more than my hand could ever touch ..
and more than my lips could ever say
( I MISS U )
48-when aboy says
( I LOVE U )
this mean :
L = lesa badre 3ala elgwaz..
O = oh / i have no money
v = villa ! no way
e = enty 3abita to believe me !!!!!!!
49-brain to think of you.
heart to trust in you.
eyes to look at you.
hands to touch you.
mouse to say i miss you.
foot to kick you if u don't miss me.
50-if i had one single wish i'd to be ur tears to be born in ur eyes,live on your cheeks
die on your lips.but if u were my tears i'd never cry coz i fear of losing you.
51-when u fell lonly ur life empty! the world is so dark no one beside u! i will be under ur window on white horse 
40-i miss you so much
i can't leave you
i can't go anywhere without you
you are always with me
oh my shoes! i like you
41-A friend saw me hungry, he gave me food

He saw me thirsty, he gave me pepsi

He saw me in dark, he gave me light

He saw me wizout problems, he gave me you..

42- I am not sure what life could bring
I am not sure if dreams come true

I am not sure what love can do
I am very sure about one thing .............. I MISS U
43-the piano say
u can forget ... do
i can forget ... re
u can't forget
meeeeeeeeeeeee !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

don't be angry
i will tell you what toz means:

t = take care of ur self
o = of course i love u
z = zero my life without u

so ... a big toz to you...
45-when it rains
you don't see the sun
but it's there.
hope we can be like that
we don't see each other
but we'll always be
there for each other...
the moon looks like u !!!
the stars are shining 4 u !!!
the birds are singing 4 u !!!
my heart says:
i miss u
47-( I MISS U )
more than my eyes could ever see..
more than my hand could ever touch ..
and more than my lips could ever say
( I MISS U )
48-when aboy says
( I LOVE U )
this mean :
L = lesa badre 3ala elgwaz..
O = oh / i have no money
v = villa ! no way
e = enty 3abita to believe me !!!!!!!
49-brain to think of you.
heart to trust in you.
eyes to look at you.
hands to touch you.
mouse to say i miss you.
foot to kick you if u don't miss me.
50-if i had one single wish i'd to be ur tears to be born in ur eyes,live on your cheeks
die on your lips.but if u were my tears i'd never cry coz i fear of losing you.
51-when u fell lonly ur life empty! the world is so dark no one beside u! i will be under ur window on white horse 


The Surah taken its name from the word at-tariq in its first verse.

Period of Revelation

The style of its subject matter resembles that of the earliest Surahs revealed at Makkah, but this surah was sent down at a stage when the disbelievers of Makkah were employing all sorts of devices and plans to defeat and frustrate the message of the Qur'an and Muhammad (upon whom be Allah's peace and blessings).

Theme and Subject Matter

It discuses two themes: first that man has to appear before God after death; second, that the Qur'an is a decisive Word which no plan or device of the disbelievers can defeat or frustrate.
First of all, the stars of the heavens have been cited as an evidence that there is nothing in the universe which may continue to exist and survive without guardian over it. Then man has been asked to consider his own self as to how he has been brought into existence from a mere sperm drop and shaped into a living human being. Then it has been said that the God, Who has so brought him into existence, has certainly the power to create him once again, and this resurrection will be for the purpose to subject to scrutiny all the secrets of man which remained hidden in the world. At that time, man will neither be able to escape the consequences of his deeds by his own power, nor will anyone else come to his rescue.
In conclusion, it has been pointed out that just as the falling of rain from the sky and the sprouting of plants and crops from the earth is no child's play but a serious task, so also the truths expressed in the Qur'an are no jest but a firm and unchangeable reality. The disbelievers are involved in the misunderstanding that their plans and devices will defeat the invitation of the Qur'an, but they do not know that Allah too is devising a plan which will bring to naught all their scheming and planning. Than in one sentence the discourse has been summed up, with a word of consolation to the Holy Prophet (upon whom be peace) and a tacit warning to the disbelievers, saying: "Have patience for a while: let the disbelievers do their worst. Before long they will themselves realize whether they have been able to defeat the Qur'an by their scheming or the Qur'an has dominated them in the very place where they are exerting their utmost to defeat it."


Period of Revelation

The subject matter shows that this too is one of the earliest Surahs to be revealed, and the words: "We shall enable you to recite, then you shall never forget" of verse 6 also indicate that it was sent down in the period when the Holy Messenger (upon whom he Allah's peace) was not yet fully accustomed to receive Revelation and at the time Revelation came down he feared lest he should forget its words. If this verse is read along with verse 114 of Surah Ta Ha and verses 16-19 of Al-Qiyamah and the three verses are also considered with regard to their styles and contexts, the sequence of events seems to be that first in this Surah the Holy Prophet (upon whom be peace) was reassured to the effect: "Do not at all worry: We shall enable you to recite this Word, then you shall not forget it." Then after a lapse of time, on another occasion, when the Surah Al-Qiyamah was being revealed, the Holy Prophet involuntarily began to rehearse the words of the Revelation. Thereupon it was said: "O Prophet do not move your tongue to remember this Revelation hastily. It is for Us to have it remembered and read. Therefore when We are reciting it, listen to its recital carefully. Again, it is for Us to explain its meaning."Last of all, on the occasion of the revelation of Surah Ta Ha, the Holy Prophet on account of human weakness, again became afraid lest his memory should fail to preserve some portion of the 113 verses which were continuously revealed at that time, and therefore, he began to memorize them. Thereupon, it was said: "And see that you do not hasten to recite the Quran before its revelation is completed to you."After this, it never so happened that he felt any such danger, for apart form these three places, there is no other place in the Quran where there might be a reference to this matter.

Theme and Subject Matter

This short surah contains three themes: Tauhid, instructions to the Holy Prophet (upon whom be peace) and the Hereafter.
In the first verse, the doctrine of Tauhid has been compressed into a single sentence, saying that Allah's name should be glorified and exalted, i. e. He should not be remembered by any name which mighty reflect a deficiency, fault, weakness, or an aspect of likeness, with created beings, for the root of all false creeds in the world are wrong concepts about Allah, which assumed the form of an erroneous name for His glorious and exalted Being. Therefore, for the correction of the creed, the primary thing is that Allah Almighty should be remembered only by the beautiful names which suit and befit Him.
In the next three verses, it has been said: "Your Lord, glorification of Whose name is being enjoined, is He Who created everything in the Universe, proportioned it, set it a destiny, taught it to perform the function for which it is created, and you witness this manifestation of His power day and night that He creates vegetation on the earth as well as reduces it to mere rubbish. No other being has the power to bring about spring nor the power to prevent autumn."
Then, in the following two verses, the Holy Prophet (upon whom be peace) his been consoled, as if to say: "Do not worry as to how you will remember word for word the Qur'an that is being revealed to you. It is for Us to preserve it in your memory, and its preservation is not in any way the result of any excellence in you but the result of Our bounty and favor, otherwise if We so will, We can cause you to forget it."
Then, the Holy Prophet (upon whom be peace) has been told: "You have not been made responsible to bring everyone on to the right path; your only duty is to convey the truth, and the simplest way of conveying the truth is that admonition be given to him who is inclined to listen to the admonition and accept it, and the one who is not inclined to it, should not be pursued. The one who fears the evil consequences of deviation and falsehood, will listen to the truth and accept it, and the wretched one who avoids listening to and accepting it, will himself see his evil end."'
The discourse has been summed up, saying: "Success is only for those who adopt purity of belief, morals and deed, and remember the name of their Lord and perform the Prayer. But, on the contrary, the people are wholly lost in seeking the ease, benefits and pleasures of the world, whereas they should actually endeavor for their well being in the Hereafter, for the world is transitory and the Hereafter everlasting and the blessings of the Hereafter are far better than the blessings of the world. This truth has not been expressed only in the Qur'an but in the books of the Prophets Abraham and Moses too, it had been brought to the notice of man


This Surah discusses the conflict between the Holy Prophet and the chiefs of Makkah, which was rampant at the time of its Revelation and answers those objections and doubts which were being put forward concerning his Prophethood and the Doctrines of Tauhid and the Hereafter. The chiefs of Makkah have also been rebuked for their machinations against the Holy Prophet and warned of the evil consequences of their wicked activities. They have been admonished to give up their indifference and heedlessness that they were showing about the Message. At the end of the Surah, they have been told that the person whom they considered to be a "distress and affliction" had in reality come to them as a blessing.n vv. 1-47, the following themes have been discussed in particular :

  1. The objection of the disbelievers that a human being could not be a Messenger and therefore they could not accept Muhammad (peace be upon him) as a Prophet, has been refuted.
  2. They have been taken to task for raising multifarious and contradictory objections against the Holy Prophet and the Qur'an.
  3. Their wrong conception of life has been proved to be false because it was responsible for their indifferent and heedless attitude towards the Message of the Holy Prophet. They believed that life was merely a sport and pastime and had no purpose behind or before it and there was no accountability or reward or punishment.
  4. The main cause of the conflict between the disbelievers and the Holy Prophet was their insistence on the doctrine of shirk and antagonism to the Doctrine of Tauhid. So the doctrine of skirk has been refuted and the Doctrine ofTauhid reinforced by weighty and impressive though brief arguments.
  5. Arguments and admonitions have been used to remove another misunderstanding of theirs. They presumed that Muhammad (peace be upon him) was a false prophet and his warnings of a scourge from God were empty threats, just because no scourge was visiting them in spite of their persistent rejection of the Prophet.
In vv. 48-91, instances have been cited from the important events of the life stories of the Prophets to show that all the Prophets, who were sent by God, were human beings and had all the characteristics of a man except those which were exclusive to Prophethood. They had no share in Godhead and they had to implore Allah to fulfill each and every necessity of theirs.
Along with these two other things have also been mentioned:

  1. All the Prophets had to pass through distress and affliction; their opponents did their worst to thwart their mission, but in spite of it they came out successful by the extraordinary succour from Allah.
  2. All the Prophets had one and the same "way of life', the same as was being presented by Muhammad (Allah's peace be upon him), and that was the only Right Way of Life and all other ways invented and introduced by mischievous people were utterly wrong.
In vv. 92-106, it has been declared that only those who follow the Right Way, will come out successful in the final judgment of God and those who discard it shall meet with the worst consequences.
In vv. 107-112, the people have been told that it is a great favour of Allah that He has sent His Messenger to inform them beforehand of this Reality and that those, who consider his coming to be an affliction instead of a blessing, are foolish people.

the story of Moses

This Surah begins with the enunciation of the object of the Revelation of the Qur'an to this effect:"O Muhammad, this Quran has not been sent down to you to put you unnecessarily to some great affliction. It does not demand from you to perform the impossible task of imbuing the hearts of the obdurate disbelievers with Faith. It is merely an admonition meant to guide on to the Right Path those who fear God and want to save themselves from His punishment. This Quran is the Word of the Master of the earth and the heavens and God-head belongs to Him alone:These two facts are eternal whether one believes them or not."
After this introduction, the Surah abruptly moves on to relate the story of Prophet Moses without any apparent relevancy and without even hinting at its applicability to the events of the period. However, if we read between the lines, we realize that the discourse is addressed very relevantly to the people of Makkah. But before we explain the hidden meaning of the discourse, we must keep in view the fact that the Arabs in general acknowledged Moses as a Prophet of God. This was so because they had "been influenced by the large number of the Jews around them and by" the neighboring Christian kingdoms. Now let us state those things which are hidden between the lines of the story:

  1. Allah does not appoint a Prophet by the beat of drums or My celebrating the occasion in a regular and formal ceremony, as if to say, "We are appointing such and such a person as Our Prophet from today." On the contrary, He bestows Prophethood in a confidential manner just as He did in the case of Prophet Moses. Therefore you should not consider it strange if Hadrat Muhammad has been appointed as a Prophet all of a sudden and without any public proclamation.
  2. The fundamental principles presented by Prophet Muhammad -- Tauhid and the Hereafter -- are just the same as were taught to Prophet Moses at the time of his appointment.
  3. Prophet Muhammad has been made the standard bearer of the Message of the Truth among the people of the Quraish all by himself without material provisions, just as Prophet Moses was entrusted with the Mission to go to a tyrant king like Pharaoh and ask him to give up his attitude of rebellion. These are the mysterious ways of Allah. He catches hold of a way farer of Midian on his way to Egypt and says, "Go and fight with the greatest tyrant of the time." He did not provide him with armies and provisions for this Mission. The only thing He did was to appoint his brother as his assistant at his request.
  4. You, O People of Makkah, should note it well that Pharaoh employed the same devices against Prophet Moses as you are employing against Prophet Muhammad -- frivolous objections, accusations, and cruel persecutions. You should know that Allah's Prophet came out victorious over Pharaoh, who possessed large armies and war equipments. Incidentally, the Muslims have been consoled and comforted, though not in so many words, that they should not be afraid of fighting with the Quraish against fearful odds, for the mission which is supported by Allah comes out victorious in the end. At the same time, the Muslims have been exhorted to follow the excellent example of the magicians of Egypt, who remained steadfast in their Faith, though Pharaoh threatened them with horrible vengeance.
  5. An incident from the story of the Israelites has been cited to show in what ridiculous manner the idolization of false gods and goddesses starts and that the Prophets of God do not tolerate even the slightest tinge of this preposterous practice. Likewise, Prophet Muhammad is following the former Prophets in opposing shirk and idol worship today.
Thus, the story of Moses has been used to throw light on all those matters which were connected with the conflict between the Holy Prophet and the Quraish. Then at the end of the story, the. Quraish have been briefly admonished, as if to say, "The Quran has been sent down in your tongue for your own good. If you listen to it and follow its admonition, you will be doing so for your own good but if you reject it, you will yourselves meet with an evil end."
After this the story of Prophet Adam has been related, as if to tell the Quraish, "The way you are following is the way of Satan, whereas the right way for a man is to follow his father Adam. He was beguiled by Satan, but when he realized his error, he plainly confessed it and repented and again turned back to the service of Allah and won His favour. On the other hand, if a person follows Satan and sticks to his error obdurately in spite of admonition, he does harm to himself alone like Satan."
In the end, the Holy Prophet and the Muslims have been advised not to be impatient in regard to the punishment to the disbelievers, as if to say, "Allah has His Own scheme concerning them. He does not seize them at once but gives them sufficient respite. Therefore you should not grow impatient but bear the persecutions with fortitude and go on conveying the Message."

In this connection, great emphasis has been laid on Salat so that it may create in the believers the virtues of patience, forbearance, contentment, resignation to the will of God and self analysis for these are greatly needed in the service of the Message of the Truth.


The period of its revelation is the same as of Surah Maryam. It is just possible that it was sent down during the Migration to Habash or just after it. Anyhow, it is certain that this Surah was revealed before Hadrat Umar embraced Islam.

According to a well known and authentic tradition when Hadrat Umar set out to kill the Holy Prophet, he met a certain person, who said, "Before you do anything else, you should know that your own sister and brother-in-law have embraced Islam" Hearing this, he directly went to the house of his sister. There he found his sister, Fatimah, and his brother-in-law, Said bin Zaid, learning the contents of a scroll from Khabbab bin Art. When Fatimah saw him coming she hid the scroll at once, but Hadrat Umar had heard the recital, so he began to interrogate them about it. Then he began to thrash his brother-in-law, and wounded his sister, who tried to protect him. At last both of them confessed, "We have become Muslims; you may do whatever you like." As Hadrat Umar was moved to see blood running down from her head, he said, "Show me the thing you were reading." The sister asked him to promise on oath that he would not tear it, and added, "You cannot touch it unless you have a bath." Accordingly, Hadrat Umar took his bath and when he began to read the scroll, which contained this Surah, he spontaneously spoke out, "What an excellent thing!" At this Hadrat Khabbab, who had hidden himself at the sound of his footsteps, came out of his hiding and said, "By God, I have high expectations that Allah will get great service from you to propagate the Message of His Prophet, for just yesterday I heard the Holy Prophet praying to Allah, 'My Lord, make Abul Hakam bin Hisham (Abu Jahl) or Umar bin Khattab a supporter of Islam. So O Umar, turn to Allah, turn to Allah." These words proved to be so persuasive that he at once accompanied Hadrat Khabbab and went to the Holy Prophet to embrace Islam. This happened a short time after the Migration to Habash.


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