الثلاثاء، 27 فبراير 2018

Love begins in the phone

Love begins in the phone ..
Ends in the phone. !!
Love starts on the net ..
Ends in the net. !!
Love comes from windows ..
Depart from the windows. !!
Love comes from homes ..
Do not end until we die. !!

So keep up the beginnings ..

So do not hurt the endings .. !!
I discovered that Elvis and the Elvis are a strange phenomenon when someone shows skill in front of people outside the net. Some may like to be praised by others. In every way possible lust for self-admiration was the rest of the others to praise Kalama and woe to those who criticize Kalima sword sword Albatr disease of the name of love and admiration was impressed by the admiration of people and forget God's satisfaction was these people who enter heaven in the name of Haif and the image of the observer loves the satisfaction of people to bring with the wrath of God and dependency The disgraceful
So God created a soul and lost it, every human being is written for his sustenance and happiness in one of the days will take you good, just patience and optimism and wait ..

The most powerful factor of self-destructiveness is: "observing people"
 He who gives himself to the world will not give him only a piece of land to be buried in it .. He who gave himself to God will give God a paradise displayed the heavens and the earth prepared for the righteous ..

Stay away from anyone you can not afford
And everything you do not like, you are not
Forcing yourself to be burdened with things
You are able to overcome it ,,
Be steadfast and correct decision and choose
People that relax your heart and do
Stuff that pleases you ,,
And make your trust in God and your smile
Your Excellency is the source of your strength in life,

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Do you agree to see blind love?

no no no no
Do you associate the mind with the heart in your love

Love is an eye sight

Heart, sensations and feelings

Certainly love without a mind and mind without love of moral death
Half of the Arab girls

Cursed because of

On the contrary, the vast majority of girls are not good
I forgot to tell you the reason for the shame wearing trousers


The Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: "God cursed women who imitate men

Where is the chastity?

Meaning similarity

Women are men, not men
no, brother
Talk openly

I mean if a girl wore pants and her behavior is bad

You are not arrogant
I did not wear dirty trousers
She was like men

Lalala, sir, the curse of God, to touch only those who disobey God

It is not worn trousers
Regardless of any other behavior
Ok look for the meaning of talk


Excuse me
What makes you blush

no no no

Mafi Zaal

God willing
How many hours are you on the net

what is it

Most of your interests on the net
General All fields
Even if you chat with a girl

If he was in a respectful and respectful and infuriating anger

Do you allow your daughter or wife to work chat with another

If it was the same warmness I explained to you

the border
You are

Modern man

White, black
Yes or no

Thank you for your patience
And non-sparkling

Excuse me sir

Mafi in your chat

Another man, do you think of a man who is human to Bisal?

Can you love me on the net?
I dont understand
It is possible if I spoke with six, does friendship reach love
Frankly, I do not have a danger

Problem for a friend
Do you like to solve it with me


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