الأحد، 31 يناير 2021

the health of the whole chakra

 Even in the middle of the desert without another creature for hundreds of miles, you are still connected to every other being in the universe.

Connecting with the universe, drawing on its strength and seeing the bigger picture can help you put your feelings of loneliness into perspective, minimizing the energy that has more than your emotions and actions.

There is no better treatment for loneliness than having other people, but more often than people who are lonely trying to resolve those surrounding themselves with literally anyone.

And do more harm than good, especially for Starseed.

It is much better to have one friend who shares a lot in common with yours than to have fifty friends who cannot care less about the things that they are passionate about.

There are many places online where you can hook up with a group. In big cities, there are often organizations that you can join to be surrounded by like-minded individuals.

Looking at loneliness as just an emotion is actually a symptom of imbalances in your chakra energy system.

It is usually an issue within the heart chakra, and this is the energy center that deals directly with connections with other people.

If it gets blocked, you may find it difficult to communicate with people, which leads to you becoming more and more isolated.

On the other hand, if it is excessive, then you can find yourself getting too attached to people too quickly, intimidating them and banishing them.

Find healthy ways that balance the ability to communicate with people but keep your emotions about them to a reasonable level.

But the health of the whole chakra system is essential here.

Having an energy power exercise over you instead of the other way around causing you to be a slave to your emotions, making feelings of loneliness much worse.

In balance, you can see in the bigger picture and you simply will be grateful for contacts that don't make without regrets those who don't.

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