How are you, that ye may fine
You should note that Islam Hee logged in good order and your family is important to be a Muslim woman's right
Whenever became the love of God to love God
'I hope I am God daily for your face Karim,
Vosolk O my Lord that Tovgueni it,
And bless me in it,
And facilitated by me,
Trozkna and the work of your satisfaction
'I hope I am God daily for your face Karim,
Vosolk O my Lord that Tovgueni it,
And bless me in it,
And facilitated by me,
Trozkna and the work of what Aredakan you on the way to God. . Farcd,
Although difficult for you. . Fihrol,
Although tired. . Vamchi,
Although not able to all of this. . Interpreted .. even crawling,
But. . Aiaaaak and Back
N good effect left by the holy man after his death is that of speech and preaching holy Hassan that you type his hands on Elvis pages Valentaz Bgerna and write Mireda God and what pleased us if Mabulgna fare after our death
17 يناير 03:43 مساءً
Hello sallam
Kaif halikum?
There are some i did not undrstand in ur message
Because there are some new Islamic meanings you
Very nice to Tlahakk calls from someone ..
"You do not know."
Just encountered, and done his "known"
With Sunrise every morning ... hours in the sky of hope and optimism ... not despair of yourself when you get stuck in the way of good deeds, located in the box ... but your sin; and renewed hope and renewed morning ... not Asdnk devil to walk, go in the way of heaven ... "they are expensive," ... and worthy of giving you, patience, and sacrifice for it.
Wins are the most important: your smile most of the time,,
The greatest possibilities are: the ability to be gentle with those around you always.
Try to create calm
In your thinking, your movement
Tone of your voice, your achievement
For your business, Hawwark with others
Until Mrg find flavor
New seep for your life
When you miss the mind and thought,,
Man becomes merely a means to achieve the desires of others. "
17 يناير 06:23 مساءً
What is the wisdom and legality of the imposition of prayer:
1 - Prayer Noor, just as the light Istdhae doing so is prayer presents to the right, and prevented from sin, and forbids indecency and evil.
2 - Prayer link between a person and God, the mainstay of religion, the Muslim rejoices Monologues Rabbo, Vttaib himself, and recognizes his eye, and reassure his heart, and gladdens the chest, and eliminate his need, and the rest of the world worries and pains.
3 - Prayer her apparent relation to the body Kalkiem, sitting, kneeling and prostrating, and other words and actions, and her soles respect to the heart, and is maximizing the Almighty God, and maximize it, and fear, and love, and obey him, and praise, and thanks, humiliation slave undergoing Rabbo, it seems that achieved by what came about Prophet - peace be upon him - in prayer, and subcontractors achieved monotheism and faith, sincerity, and reverence.
4 - Prayer her body and spirit: Vgesdha standing, bowing and prostrating, reading and spirit: to maximize the God and fear, and praise, and asked, and Astgvarh, praise him, and peace and blessings be upon the Messenger of Allah - peace be upon him - and his family and the righteous slaves of Allah.
5 - God is every Muslim after approval Shahaadatayn that restricts his life four things (prayer, zakat, fasting, pilgrimage) and the pillars of Islam, and in each exercise to carry out God's orders on the same man, and his money, and his desire, and nature; to spend his life according to the command of Allah and His Messenger and according to what God loves and His Messenger, not by whim.
6 - Muslims in prayer executes the commands of God to each of its members to be trained to obey God and implementation of the commands of God in the affairs of his whole life, in his character, and his business, and his food, and his clothing, and so on in order to be obedient to the Lord in prayer and outside of prayer.
7 - The Prayer'zajrh from doing evil things, and the reason for the sins are expiated.
Abu Huraira may Allah be pleased with him that he heard the Messenger of Allah - peace be upon him - said: «Do you see that the river at the door if any of you washed it five times each day do you keep dirt something?» Said: I do not keep anything from dirt. He said: «That is like the five daily prayers, God erases them sins».
18 يناير 06:56 صباحاً
sabah al kaer
Sabah al nur
nhark abud
I dont understand
Good day White
Kayfa the Islamic
Muslim does not show any part of her body
Still adjusting to my friends
Because he jewel that must be protected
God will please you in this world and hereafter
Yes i am alone my friends are all catholic
Lord Meky Learn about Muslim friends
Ante Meky people the Lord is merciful God with Kony
18 يناير 08:25 صباحاً
18 يناير 11:57 مساءً
Good morning
19 يناير 09:02 صباحاً
Sallam alaikum
walakm al salam
Hows your day?
;g ]m gdm hkh
Ok good
Am in the office now
alahm wasa razkk
Oh expanded livelihood
Were facing problems its because of dirty politics
I ask clarification
Clarification of what
Were facing problems its because of dirty politics
Yes they want to close our company
God is with you remain steadfast
Thats why we are protesting
21 يناير 12:46 صباحاً
Salam alaikum
21 يناير 02:52 صباحاً
Walakm al a
لقد اتصلت بـJuliet.
Not good
I need to visit the doctor
Am lossing fluid in my body
I have stomach ache
21 يناير 08:54 صباحاً
Oh God, Oh God, heal all the sick, heal our sister in Islam
21 يناير 01:26 مساءً
22 يناير 12:12 صباحاً
Good morning
22 يناير 08:53 صباحاً
good mo
Ahlan am ok now
v good
God is good
24 يناير 05:07 مساءً
24 يناير 06:47 مساءً
Occam’s Razor
The Qur’an rhetorically asks the question “Did the universe come out of nothing?” The answer seems quite obvious due to the metaphysical and undeniable logic that whatever begins to exist has a cause, and since the universe began to exist, therefore it must have a cause. It would be irrational to posit more than one cause for the universe, as an infinite regress of causes is impossible. The reasons for this include the absurdity of the actual infinite existing in reality; take the following examples into consideration,
1. You have an infinite number of people in a room, if I take two people away, how many do you have left? The answer is infinity minus two. However does this make sense? If there are less than an infinite number of people in a room you should be able to count that number in the real world. But you can’t, in other words the infinite doesn’t make sense in the real world. In light of this Mathematicians Kasman and Newman state “The infinite certainly does not exist in the same sense that we say ‘There are fish in the sea’”.
2. Imagine I am a soldier and I want to shoot an enemy. In order for me to shoot I have to ask permission from the soldier behind me to shoot, but he has also has to ask permission from the soldier behind him to shoot, now imagine this continued forever, in other words an infinite amount of time? Will I ever shoot the enemy? The answers is plain obvious. In the same light an infinite regress of causes for the universe would mean there would be no universe in existence in the first place.
So the conclusion that the universe has a single independent uncaused cause seems quite plausible, however you can still posit a plurality of causes all occurring at the same time. Is this a sound argument? I believe it is not a strong argument if we take Ockham’s Razor into consideration. Ockham’s Razor is a philosophical principle attributed to the 14th century logician and Franciscan friar William of Ockham. This principle enjoins “Pluralitas non est ponenda sine necessitate”, in English “Plurality should not be posited without necessity.” In other words the simplest and most comprehensive explanation is the best explanation.
Essentially it means that in absence of any evidence or in absence of a need for a plurality of causes we should hold onto the most comprehensive and simple explanation. In this case we have no evidence to say the cause for the universe is actually a combination of two, three or even one thousand causes so the simplest and most comprehensive explanation is that this cause is one. Postulating a plurality of causes does not add to the comprehensiveness of the argument. In other words to add more causes would not enhance the argument’s explanatory power or scope. For example, to claim that the universe was caused by an all powerful cause is just as comprehensive than to claim to was caused by two all powerful causes. Because one all powerful cause is all that is required, simply because it is all powerful.
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