الخميس، 16 يوليو 2020

Psychologically ..

People with brains older than age are characterized by the following:
Their relationships are limited.
Their intuition is accurate.
Difficult to deceive them.
Do not praise themselves.
Do not seek to appear.
They prefer the ignorant and neglective style.
They find it difficult to adapt to reality.
They look eccentric in perspective of their peers.
It remains to know that they are tired more than others.

Psychologically ..!
The sadness that you may experience on some nights without a reason is a late batch of old painful situations that you held in and were supposed to cry at the time.

Psychologically ..!

Self-confidence is not the belief that everyone will like you. Rather, self-confidence is your belief that whether or not people like you will not affect your person.
Psychologically ..!
There is a difference between your behavior and your personality.
He may be a good person and his behavior is hostile because of the provocation that caused his anger and made his reaction violent. This behavior does not reflect his personality, but rather represents a reaction to the current situation because of others.

Psychologically ..!
Dealing kindly with a person you don't like and is different from you does not mean that you practice hypocrisy but rather that you exercise a great deal of wisdom and maturity.

Psychologically ..!
The one who talks to himself is not crazy! On the contrary, only psychologists have proven that who can create an integrated dialogue with himself has a high level of intelligence and great mental capabilities.

Psychologically ..!

Stress changes a person from merry to a lump of silence.

Psychologically ..!

Some people do not understand that you are making a lot of effort so that you can respect and compliment them for several minutes.

Psychologically ..!
People who like to sit with the elderly a lot are considered emotional personalities, many give, love to help others, they have maturity more than others, they avoid ridiculous discussions and prefer useful discussions ..


Psychologically ..!
He who defeats his desires is braver than he who defeats his enemies, because the most difficult victory is self-victory!

Psychologically ..!
When you are ignored by the person you care about, the brain’s reaction is equal to physical pain.

There are people who avoid falling in love
They are alienated from him, to the point that they cut off any relationship
If they notice, she is drifting towards love
They always express their opinions that they are against love and do not wish to fall into it, and these people are considered to be afflicted with phobia, which is scientifically called "philosophy."

Psychologically ..!
The human being every 7 years
He loses some of his friends and replaces them
With new friends, and if one of them lasts more than 7 years, he will likely remain his friend forever.

Psychologically ..!

A woman usually does not cry because of one thing, but rather her crying because of accumulated pits inside her for a long time.

Nothing cooler than a heart calling you and you do not know
Invite someone you love ????

Psychologically ..!
The strength of the character does not mean stubbornness, persistence, and persistence in opinion if he is wrong, so the strong personality is flexible in his dialogue and changes his mind if he finds out that he is wrong ..
One indication of the strength of the character is an apology when wrong.

Psychologically ..!
The more you love a certain person, the more sensitive you are to his words, behaviors and reactions.
 And because you expect him to always manage your feelings, you will be hurt a lot.

Psychologically ..!
The trauma that makes you realign your priorities and the people in your life is usually more beneficial than long-term harm.

Realistly ...!
Three things do not waste your time: -

1) Be sorry for what you missed because he will not return.
2) Compare yourself with others because it will not help.
3) Try to please all people because it will not be.

Psychologically ...!
Frequent scrutiny ..!
It makes your character more anxious and obsessive ..
And pessimism ...!
Makes your character more fearful and troubled ..
Stability brings internal stability .. ??

It is said: "Whoever is satisfied with you will disappear from you."

Psychologically ..!
The calm person is more understanding
The words he hears are more convincing than the person who screams when he talks, and his reactions are often balanced and in the right place. "

"Depression is not a sign of weakness. Rather, it is a sign that you have been trying to be strong for too long to endure stress and tragedy."
Methods to get rid of depression
1- Break your routine and do new things
2- Practice a hobby
3- Do exercise
4- Eat healthy food
5- Get enough sleep
6- Take responsibility

Do not fear your children from the calamities of life.
They told them that God preserves those who protect it. ??

Psychologically ..!
Staying home, not going out, and lack of movement is the main cause of bad mood, mental, mental, and physical illnesses.
Scientists believe that in order to ensure his health safety, he needs to leave the house periodically, either with friends or only on a short walk.
Psychologically ..!
The woman when she is happy
Do not stop talking when
Be sad, do not say a word.

People with brains older than age are characterized by the following:
Their relationships are limited.
Their intuition is accurate.
Difficult to deceive them.
Do not praise themselves.
Do not seek to appear.
They prefer the ignorant and neglective style.
They find it difficult to adapt to reality.
They look eccentric in perspective of their peers.
It remains to know that they are tired more than others.

The smell of fuel affects the center of pleasure in the mind, and this explains why some people are attracted to the smell of fuel.
Are you one of them ??

Attention to elegance and appearance has a strong impact on improving mood throughout the day.

No matter you are a good person, people will judge you according to their moods and needs.

Psychologically ..!
You will not regret an hour when your anger is silent, but you may regret the most regret for an hour when you spoke the time of your anger.

Psychologically ..!
Sleep is a remedy for forgetting pain, problems, tension and everything bad for a person

Stupidity comes from laughing a lot ..!
The idiots laugh more than the smart ones!

Psychologically ...!
Among the mistakes we make against ourselves are the endless delays: we postpone thanks, apologize, confess, take initiative, as if we guarantee a long life.

Everyone lives two stories ??
A story he lives and a story he hopes to live ..!
Honestly, what is the story you wish to live ??

Psychologically ..!
The person’s interest makes you love his presence despite you and his neglect of your existence, makes you move away from him despite your love for him.

Before bed, 93% of people imagine things

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