الأربعاء، 6 فبراير 2019

the hero's hero Rami Abdul Aziz solo

On the occasion of the second attack on the port of Eilat
On the evening of 5 February 1970
The story of the hero's hero Rami Abdul Aziz solo
Since I know that many in Egypt unfortunately do not know this hero
I will explain in a simplified way the championship he did
On the night of 6/5 February 1970, the human frogs (2 frogs) attacked the port of Eilat to destroy the Svetinin (Bat Shiva and Bat Yam). Our hero was the first lieutenant and his task was to stamp him (Pat Yam) and his companion Sergeant Mohammed Fathi. Discover the depletion of the oxygen tank during the preparation and processing of the process, which will lead to the failure of the task to the difficulty of implementation as the process is based on the Sgt. Mohammed Fathi carrying the mine under water while our hero takes control of the compass while diving in the direction of the goal which is very difficult and complex and accurate ,,, our great hero Refused to cancel the process and took alone and repeat alone swimming To dive for a distance of more than 12 nautical miles and carry the mine and set the compass and attacked alone and repeat his own goal (Bat Yam) and the Ptgheimha returned alone to point drop-off was completely destroyed the target and saddling ,,, This work is heroic supernatural for all fighting men frogs mankind in the laws of history
Save God the hero and keep him healthy and happy.

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