الاثنين، 9 يوليو 2018

His sister in the era of the wolves do not take off your veil
Fear from God the torment and remember the Day of Judgment
He will see the approach of the early approach of purity and virtues
And called the Altarj and vices, so he ordered the book
Do not fill with contempt or listen to the hateful
You are the best religion you have all the necks
The role we have unanimously
Lift up your head above an Egyptian
We changed the regime, wiped out corruption, and the country stayed with us, and the country remained with our goods and we have to preserve them
I do not wear a trashy in the street because the country has sold my goods
He was not bribed in bribing government interests because the country had sold my belongings
I say no to the mistake and I do not keep my negative because the country has lost my luggage
Hukul La Lay is a police officer who deals with the people without respect because the country has lost my baggage
I respect the traffic and you are not in the country because the country has lost my merchandise
He kept the laws and I did not work there, or I took any role because the country did not sell my merchandise
I say no to the misfortune and the curse, because the country has not lost my merchandise
We have to change from ourselves to the best, as we say, we Egyptians, and raise your head above an Egyptian
· When do we have change in our lives?
We possess it if we have the following engines in ourselves:
Desire + knowledge + practice + continuity = transformation and change.
Desire: It means the will of action and it is necessary, otherwise we can not induce ourselves to make a change, because it is the motivation and the spirit that drives ourselves. Knowledge means what do I do, why? It guides us to what we need to do to get to the change we want.
Practice: is already done and implemented. Many of us know what to do, but few do what they know and put into practice. Knowledge is not everything, it has to be transformed into a reality that we practice in our lives.
Continuity means that the transformations are permanent and continuous. The change that we make for moments or days, and then we feel abandoned and frustrated, we leave what we have started to be called no change, and our life will not turn to the better.
· Is the change industry easy ??
Experts believe that the industry of change is not easy at the beginning but once we put before our eyes the above things, but facilitated by the will of God.
But there is a so-called "resistance to change" which will be highlighted once we decide to make a change in our lives and the response of this resistance several barriers if we can meet and overcome them to find the size of unlimited start on any side we want aspects of our lives and these barriers:
Negative convictions:
One of the strongest barriers in the path of change is the negative convictions that we carry within us, which take the form of confirmation and certainty that there is no possibility of making any progress or change in us, or around us, as if to say: Why do we try as long as we do not continue or continue? Or say: we are the last of the changes !!
Men see their wives and daughters wearing abayas showing their charms and ligarons and not moving men's necks on the grounds that they are understanding, liberated and civilized
O Allah, I ask You for a good end
Bribery has become a coffee
The mixing became civilized
The glamor became elegance
Nudification has become a freedom
Virtue has become firm
And the prohibition of vice has become backward
Satan was frank with us from the beginning and told us that he will mislead us in this world and abandon us in the Hereafter.
• Do not misunderstand me
Words grieve the heart of the time of urbanization
If you advise someone to leave sin, it is his answer
The more people do it I am not alone
And to seek the word • most people • in the Koran to find then (most people do not know •
Most people do not think of it. Most people do not believe.
And to search for the word most of them

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