السبت، 3 فبراير 2018

So that God will accept you?
Always say: Ask forgiveness of God, who has no god but the living and the Almighty ask forgiveness of God Almighty and repent to Him.

What is your study?
Always say: Oh God, give me the highest grades B minimum and the other.

I'm tired of the trouble of the world?
Always say: Oh God make my other.

?? To maintain prayer?
Always say: Oh God, make me the resident of prayer and the descendants of our Lord and accept the prayer.

To be married or pregnant?
Always say: Lord do not give me an individual and you are the best inheritors.

Improve you alone?
Always say: My Lord gave me from you a Sultan a champion.

??happy ?
Always say: Praise be to Allah.

Do you have trouble?
Always say: Oh God pleased me and explain my chest.

Do you want to achieve security?
Always say: Ask forgiveness of God
And repent to him

There is something on your heart?
Always say: Oh God make me Kadhimin tip and the people.

?? For neurological treatment?
I always say: Oh god, Satan is a demon with a thousand who has no God but God, and I live my anger without power and no power except by God.

Why do you read Qur'aan?
Always say: Oh God make the Koran spring my heart.

And the House of Paradise?
Always say: (Say: "God is one, God is the Last One, He has not given birth, and He has not been born, and no one has ceased

Let your house be a treasure and a palm?
Always say: Praise be to Allah and Praise be to Allah

In order to leave the unseen and the lymphocytes?
Always say: Oh God, make my book in two and keep my tongue about the worlds.

Are you comfortable and comfortable?
Always say: O God, I will save you my life if I wronged
Say "God's Compassionate and Yes Agent"
And if you are fired
Say "God's Compassionate and Yes Agent"
And if you narrowed the ways and did not find people Anisa and? Manasseh
Say "God's Compassionate and Yes Agent"
And if you are innocent and unable to show the truth
Say "God's Compassionate and Yes Agent"
And if the people meet to harm you, and if you are closed in a matter
Say "God's Compassionate and Yes Agent"
If it is difficult
Say "God's Compassionate and Yes Agent"
In which God will pay for you and remove the curse and bring the livelihood and bring down the vulva
The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: "Most of what people enter Paradise is God's strength and good character." Narrated by al-Tirmidhi and al-Hakim

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