الأحد، 2 يوليو 2017

Statue of Liberty = Philosophy of Terrorism

Sometimes we laugh and worries damage us from every side ..
Not because we are numb.
But because we have a nose that believes that after hardship is easy ..

People like rocks like to carry on your back "Finker" ..
Or adopt a tower under your feet and start to "win" ..

Do not judge your future from now ..
The Prophets / Raised the sheep and then led the nations ..

The salinity of the sea is not affected by the abundance of rain ..
Be like the sea is not affected by human words ..
When you say that who walks in your mind in the same philosophy, bring out what is inside you as it is and express your feelings in your own way, your understanding of you, he loves you and appreciates you, and if he does not understand you, you are not in your own circumstances alone .. And literature in the right of all.
Do not confuse your problems, and your psychological circumstances, by mixing with others.
Statue of Liberty = Philosophy of Terrorism
Anyone who wants to know the true cause of wars, killings and all terrorism must know that the philosophy of the Statue of Liberty is the cause of all terrorism since the beginning of the emergence of states to these days.
The philosophy of the Statue of Liberty is the philosophy of giving the sacraments of forgiveness in which the mother goddess says after three interviews with all those who believe in him, Lord of the Talmud, that he has attained freedom and that he is free to do whatever he wants.

The words of Jamieyeyel very very really I read him to slow down and understand you grew up ..
A young man on his wedding day left a bouquet of roses on his mother's bed
(You will remain the most beautiful female in my life)
I was asked: Who do you love about your children? She said: their patient until he heals, and absent until he returns,
And small to grow up,
And all of them until I die.
Do not say to a child: go to prayer !!! But say to him, "Follow me to prayer to be together in Paradise ... Our words have a great impact.
Two were asked about the reason for the delay in work?
One of them said: I was busy with the mother
The other said: Mother worked me !!
Top literature .. and lack of literature !!
One of them was told: How do you manage to stay alone!
He said: "I am a messenger of my Lord. If you want to speak to me, I read the Qur'aan."
And if you wish to speak to him, I prayed two rak'ahs
When it rises;
Your friends will know who you are
But when it falls;
You will know who your friends are!
Muhammad bin Munathir said: I used to walk with Khalil ibn Ahmad and I cut off my shoes. I went barefoot, took off his shoes and carried her walking with me.
I said to him: What do you do?
He said: Oasik in Hifaa !!
(But believers brothers)
Can you find friendship like this?
You have to stop the constant admonition of someone who does not care what you say ..
Many of us do not pay attention to the sound of air conditioning in his room [only after they turn off]!
Let's say you had someone you quarreled with so much
Make sure you can not do without it
Why the opponents raise their voices
And cry in some of them and they are close to one another?
Is that the distance between the hearts has moved away
They need to scream to deliver their voices
And the evidence that the lovers find them whispering or enough looks
Because [their hearts are the ones that hear]
The philosophy I got up to:
Who does not know your value and you are in his hands
He will regret your loss when he does not see you in front of him! ..
Be with those who appreciate you
It is not literary to say in the absentees something that did not dare to say and they are present!
You determine the value of yourself, do not diminish your business when you see the dignity of others, if the value measured by weights, the rocks would be more expensive than diamonds !!
The fish that closes her mouth will not be caught by anyone
Shut your mouth because there are so many wish to catch your mistakes !!!
When someone shows you, listen to him well
He chose you among them all
Do not let him down! ..
The wood said to the nail: You hurt me!
The nail said: If you know the size of the beating that is above my head to excuse me !!
Always good faith with people
Because you do not know their circumstances
Be like the sun is clear .. honest .. influential .. pure .. and initiatives!
Wonderful worth reading
Read it quietly!

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