الأربعاء، 5 أبريل 2017

Every one of us knows the defects of formality and psychological Many Mnih, knowing that the worker I have the strength and the difference that I have a job in exchange for I am weak, where the health be aware of you and you need to Tfrml and stop, but I am surprised by the world to Bchov one example then increase weight and reduce it and God Oh, if you have a raven and confusion, you are not sweet, but the idea of ​​a base by the definition of Hadi knows that her body is not an officer and can cry for what you buy wearing and can sit crying before you sleep when you meet the world waxing with a bright smile, not necessary remind them, His face is inflammation and pills are already ached by the breath of "I Two years ago "and meet the limit of you, O God, why your face is love? Frankly your form is terrifying, the first periods to come face of love I was lazy and then I became the least I do not feel you form the opposite of your face even if close and united, then all became abbreviated, and the days of the most likely to philosophize they have a trickle of hormones and infections and worse and I dealt and concluded , Why is it so smart to fry, wearing freshness? Why do not you blush? I do not know if I was Qazaz with a freshness and not freshness, because I used to read with blindness always knowing that I deal with like you, you are good, why not be a base with you what is wearing freshness? And God, I am not freshness Bshov Mnih, I mean, are not you Shafiftni? If I am not what you are looking for, I do not know why you are divorced. I mean, where is enough to ask? To her husband was asking her second wife Leish and Minn to pay the expenses of her daughter, and the second resident of her face clamored of shame and did not know Xu responded, and lost silent and stuck all the way! I know one actually what you see and what wears the freshness, and form less than normal and working like Claudia Schiffer, and to know about the disadvantages of others, in my view the mass of defects simply, the many questions you are afraid to ask you on an idea and try to take the rudder followed the talk to get rid of your talk about the defects of others I mean, that you are the heck, you have come out of words, you are a poor man to deal with your faults and accept them. You can live, and pay attention to your words to me like poison, where possible words are killed.

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